Overland could be joining three other cities in an effort to develop a large recreation complex available to all their residents.A plan was outlined Dec. 20 to the Overland Business Association in which Overland, Olivette, Creve Coeur and Frontenac would be involved in developing a recreation center in Olivette's Stacy Park, located near Wismer Road and Olive Boulevard.Fred Steinbach, a former Chesterfield mayor who's spearheading the project, said the group needed to raise about $25,000 in corporate donations to develop a plan for the center. About half amount has been obtained, he said.The proposed center would include meeting rooms, athletic facilities and other amenities, he said.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Parks: Good News, Bad News
Coyote Ugly
So, if you are missing a cat, dog, cattle....
Friday, December 28, 2007
Filings Thus Far
Ward 1: Jerry May Rich Knode
Ward 2: Jeff O'Connell
Ward 3: Ken Owensby
Ward 4: Les Dills
Comprehensive Plan Review Committee
They decided to narrow their focus on changes to a list of less than 10 items. This will make it more managable for both the council and the CA (once hired).
Discussion of the city's demographic data. Note: I found this bit of discussion to be ironic, since it was apparent that the committee itself was not diverse in respect to age and race. I have since mentioned this to both the mayor and Mark Giroux (the committee chair) in hopes that future such committees might be more representative of the population.
A lot of discussion on transportation issues, including any Metrolink expansion that would go to Westport Plaza.
Economic Development. Included a hand-out from the Elmhurst City Planner that was a recent guest to Overland courtesy of the Overland Business Association.
They made plans to meet again on Wednesday, January 30.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Send them the Bill!
I know Windom residents should be sent the bill for their current waste of power as well as their late October celebration that uses almost an entire shift of the OPD.
I say send them the bill? What do you think?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Progress on Midland
Had the council ever addressed the county's additional recommendations for Burns?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Owensby's Childish and Foolish Behavior Continues
The goal was to not only provide a meeting place, but to provide a tour for the docents of the historical buildings at the Wild Acres facility. It is priceless PR, as these are already people who are interested in preserving our treasures, and to get them excited or interested in this property can only bring about good things.
Well, not in Owenby's small mind. He can only rail on the expenses (lighting, water, maintenance) and cannot see past the nose on his face. I think the itty bitty costs that Overland will incur will more than be made up for in free publicity and goodwill.
But, then again, goodwill is a concept lost on Owenby.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Meeting Tonight
Just a few comments:
Quilt raffle?
I don't want any complaints about this blog mocking the city when the city mocks itself with this kind of stuff. It's as if council meetings, especially resident comments, have become a tool of self promotion.
Thali Palace.
That is a new place going into the old Shoney's, most recently VN Cafe.
Though I do wonder if it is Thai not Thali.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Head's Up to the Schneiders
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday's Workshop Meeting on the City Adminstrator
- Five weeks campaign will put the deadline for submission about mid January.
- All calls and resumes will go to East-West Gateway, where Julie will help the council weed out the worst.
- Interviews might take four weeks.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
CU (see you) at the CA Workshop?
In case you were not aware, there is a council workshop meeting this Tuesday (12/4) at 6:30 in the council chambers at City Hall. The sole topic is the City Administrator position and ordinance.
I was at the meeting Monday and Julie Stone from E-W stated it was a typical ordinance.
Which leads me to ask what needs to be changed? I remember Owensby stating he wanted to weaken the position so that Ol' Empty could have more power.
But, exactly what changes would they want to make?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Council Clusterf***
The proposal is being made due to the Hwy 40 construction. St Louis County is estimating that traffic on Midland will increase from 15-20% during the construction. Here is what they proposed:
Burns and Midland:
Remove the stop sign on eastbound Midland at Burns. This will allow for smoother flow of traffic.
Because of the limited sight distance at that intersection, they would like to make Burns one-way between Midland and Holtwood (southbound only). Thus, you could only turn onto Burns from Midland, but won't be able to get to Midland from Burns.
W Milton and Midland
They would like to remove the four-way stop and replace it with a traffic light.
Regarding the latter proposal, I personally believe it would be better if they just made it a two-way stop (for Milton traffic). The four-way stop was a good idea when Legion pool was still up and running. Now, that intersection really shouldn’t be treated any different than the others. Also, Midland is pretty straight there, so sight lines should not be an issue.
Now the other issue (Burns and Midland) is bit more contentious. The owner of Carol’s Corner spoke and thought this might be damaging to her business. Council members questioned if this could be kept two-way but limited to right turn only on Midland (not advisable because of sight concerns).
The council also brought up that they were not happy that this was coming to them at the last minute. However, these changes are minor considering some of the MAJOR changes made to some roads to facilitate the Hwy 40 project.
I am not sure if they thought the one-way was a bad idea (heck it’s good enough for Our Redeemer and All Souls on Sunday) or if they were just punishing the guy because they felt slighted. Whatever their thoughts, it was voted down unanimously.
Empty Schneider said he has to “look out for the residents and businesses” of the community. Doesn’t “looking out” include making travel through the city quick and efficient? Does “looking out” for businesses meaning pandering to one of his buddies (Carol’s Corner)?
I, personally, do not feel that this will hurt any business. Usually businesses are hurt when there is construction directly at the entrance to/from their business (think about the seemingly never-ending Lackland Road project). People will hesitate to drive through construction as it may damage tires and their autos. However, I hardly think people will shun Carol’s Corner because they may have to go around the block to either arrive or leave.
Another concern is how this appears. It makes it look as if Overland is completely uncooperative with other government entities. We have looked fool-hardy enough in the recent past (probably a reason County wasn’t rushing to come over here) and thsi follishness continued with voting this down yesterday.
The Good Ol' Boys and Chuckie Baby
At the end of the meeting (new business?), Les Dills asks that the council give Chuck Boone a raise for doing duties as PW Director. Tim "I never met a good ol' boy I don't like" Jones couldn't second the motion fast enough.
Now, mind you, there was no mention of how much of an increase. There was no mention if this was a temporary salary adjustment until the city actually hires a qualified and competent Public Works Director.
Conlon correctly mentioned that the city should wait until a CA is in place, along with a comprehensive Human Resources policy, before adjusting any salaries.
This was voted to bring up at a future workshop meeting.
Monday, November 26, 2007
City Administrator search toddles along
Before this was announced Owensby asked if anyone can apply for the job. Of course, anyone--qualified or not--is welcome to apply for any job in America. Whether they should be given due consideration is another story.
However, the most distressing thing was Ol' Empty promising that ALL candidates/applicants will be reviewed by the ENTIRE council.
1. What is the point of E-W Gateway?
Are we not engaging their services to do the preliminary legwork and weed through all the nonsense, unqualified candidates.
2. What is our guarantee that the process will be apolitical if our entire council gets to vett all applicants?
3. What is to stop a completely unqualified candidate (ala Frank Munsch) from being considered?
4. What is to stop each and every one of us from applying for the job?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
More City Hall Incompetence
Considering some of the "last minute deals" pushed through before, we have plenty of reasons to be leery of the hiding of this agenda.
Ol' Empty pretends to be above the law all the time. But, does he really think he is above a judge's order that stated meeting notices and agendas must be posted online, too?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Overland, For What Are You Thankful?
As an Overlander, for what are you thankful?
I'll start:
I am thankful that next year Owensby's term is up and there is that possibility that he will be voted out. I think this is likely this year because Owensby has embraced those things he previously ran against. Ward 3 people will remember.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Speed Trap City we are NOT
Based on an online poll by the NMA and from comments submitted by motorists, the area's top speed-trap sites are in Charlack, St. John, Edmundson, Woodson Terrace, Bel-Ridge and Breckenridge Hills. Overland did not make the list.
Perhaps if it works for those cities, we should get in on the action! ha!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wag the Dog Workshop
There will be a COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING on November 19, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Topics for discussion:
- Employee Insurance Benefits
- City Liability Insurance
I have heard that the city clerk has stated that the Benefits/Insurance issues are priority items and need to be passed by the next city council meeting (Monday, 11/26). If it was so priority why wasn't it brought up at the last workshop meeting? Is this like PoolPro where we wait to the last minute to discuss issues so that they are rammed down the throat of the citizens (without proper debate)?
Where's the CA discussion? I am disturbed that this is missing since the council voted to have a workshop meeting dedicated to this discussion at the beginning of the month. This was the perfect opportunity. All other pending items for the 11/26 were discussed at the previous workshop session (11/5). Is this urgency of insurance/benefits a ploy to keep the CA issue off the agenda?
I have a feeling that this is a case of the tail wagging the dog.
Or, perhaps another case of inefficiency at city hall. As in, "why are we always waiting until the last minute to do these things"?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
CA Arguments
While on the News-Leader site tonight, I came across the following: "City Should Cast for Top Talent". It gives some good arguments on the case for professional management, including how it is not only worth the salary but worth the money spent on the search.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Will You Tolerate a Watered-Down CA?
One thing they want to do is review the ordinances. I can only assume this is to water-down the qualifications and/or responsibilities.
Do you want an over-paid office manager or do you want someone who will lead the city foward?
Do you want someone that the people and the city council can hold accountable for what is happening at city hall? Or, do you want just another position filled, with no real meat to the job?
Sometime this week, take the time to write your city council member and let them know how you feel about the CA position?
Oh, by the way....they finally established those city e-mail addys for the council members:
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
UK or US?
If he is such an anglo-file, perhaps we can change Knode's name to "Spotted Dick".
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Coming Soon to an "Empty" Mailbox
The article states that the investigations will be held "off the record" until the case is finalized. However, even if "ol' Empty" claims a hardship for his pre-July 19 contributions, there is no disputing his post-July 19 over-the-limit contributions are illegal.
C'mon Empty! Do the right thing and give back those donations! Or, do you have to wait until the Missouri Ethics Commission FORCES you to do the right thing?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
PoolPro: Dead or Not
Please read this story in the today's Post. Reading this makes one think that the Pool Pro thing is not dead. If it is not dead:
Was MT Schneider lying to the Journal, who reported with quotes from him that it was dead?
Was the lie about PoolPro NOT coming a diversionary tactic to keep those opposed from organizing any effort to keep them from coming?
I truly hope that the Post is just behind on reporting this issue, but....
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Also, there is some talk about Councilman Dills and his comment about folks going to the boat therefore not paying for trash.....is there any recording of this or is this strictly hearsay???
While we may make fun, we really don't post gossip as content for this blog. The post by Nellie provided a link to the video. In addition, Rich Knode was there taping the workshop, if you don't trust Sailor's version.
I guess we could make it real easy. I was previously provided with audio and divided out Owensby's Munsch comment. I used the same audio and divided out Dill's comments.
He pretty much says "people can't pay their trash here, but are paying Maryland Height's trash out at the boat". Audio of this is here.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Dills: Hypocrisy or Slime?
Casinos! Yes, that is the reason why no one can pay their trash bill. It's not the rising cost of living, the lowering of wages in comparison. It's not that gas has been over $2.50/gallon for months. It's not the skyrocketing cost of healthcare, including prescription meds. It's not like we haven't seen an abundance of foreclosures in North County. No, sir--according to Les Dills it's because of slots!
(Someone cue the "It's the economy, stupid")
I just find the whole thing ironic, considering the man had to be bullied into paying his property taxes by those on this blog and the Contrarian's. Maybe ironic isn't the correct word is the word I am looking for here. Perhaps HYPOCRISY is better!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Here are some experienced folks!
Surely this would be a better alternative than the "watering down of qualifications to hire friends of Empty" plan we got going now.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Suburban Journal as Empty's PR Firm
This week's case in point--buried within the News Briefs section--is a story about the pool company pulling out of the Midland property. It's about mid-way down the page under the Overland heading.
While the story details about the child care in the near vicinity, there is no mention of Cold Water Creek that abuts the property or the many residents within a square block of this property. Both of these were major objections during the meeting. Also, no mention about the outside storage tanks of cholorine--oustide storage that is prohibited by city ordinance.
MT hopes we can find another developer. Hopefully, this time he will not just use a "development for development's sake" take, but use some common sense about appropriate businesses to locate in that plot of land.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Owensby: Sellout Extraodinaire
I'm laughing now just typing about it. Just something more to Munsch on.
Edited by ORT Contrarian: I was given a copy of the audio and isolated the Munsch statement here.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Something to Munsch on...
Schneider 3Q
I would have posted others, but they did not exist/did not need to file.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Peepin' Tom Fitzgerald Committee
- Do we really want the Peepin' Tom (Fitzgerald) Committee to be travelling our fair city on the lookout for "vacant" property? What is their methodology when it comes to residential property? No car in the driveway--let's look in the windows and see if anyone is living there.
- Do either Tom or Carol Fitzgerald have any experience in real estate, databases, surveying, or marketing? Or any of the other 100 skills you might need to do this job effectively?
- Wouldn't the better committee be made up of real estate professionals and other interested parties? Don't they already have access to databases (e.g. MLS) of available properties? Wouldn't it be win-win for the city to get their real estate expertise and we help them in marketing any Overland properties?
- Just because a property is vacant, does not mean that it is available for lease or purchase.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Cronyism is Alive and Well!
cro·ny·ism (krō'nē-ĭz'əm)
n. Favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications, as in political appointments to office.
Schneider to Ward 1: "F*** You"
While on the surface this seems like a clearly administrative issue, it may have been the only opportunity to question the appropriateness of a pool company--and its associated chemical storage--coming to that location. During the meeting, Chuck Boone pointed out that since the pool company was a similar business to the construction company there previously, the business license and conditional use permits would NOT have to go through Planning and Zoning and/or the Board of Adjustment.
The two Ward 1 Councilmembers spoke vehemently against the proposal. Cuminale pointed out that it was an inappropriate business in a semi-residential area with some historical buildings.
May stated that he had visited the company's business on Link and found their lot to be a mess. He felt that not only this type of business was bad for that area, but bad for the image of Overland since this would be located on one of the main streets of our city.
Of course, notice to residents and businesses in the area surrounding 9620 Midland was not provided at any time about the possibility of these chemicals being stored near their homes, daycare, or children's walk to school.
In politics (at all levels), it is custom to respect the opinion of the legislators of the ward/district/state of an affected area. This protocol was clearly broached during last night's meeting. Both Ward 1 councilmembers voted no. Both Ward 2 council members respected that and also voted no. Unfortunately, the other four council members voted in favor of this ordinance.
Schneider, in breaking the tie in favor of the Pool Company, pretty much flipped the bird to Ward One and its residents.
Friday, October 19, 2007
City Council Meeting Monday 10/22/07
I got a sense of deja vu reading this.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A Very Special Blossom Council Meeting
The question on everyone's mind was "WHY". As in why are we having this meeting? Or, why is this matter considered so urgent? As well as the most common, why can't we have a special meeting to hire a CA?
WHY's aside, only about 15 people cared enough to stick around for this portion of the meeting. We were practically outnumbered by the people on the dias.
Herman reads the bill by title only. He then explains that, although he isn't sure where this is coming from, that merging properties is pretty much standard procedure. He notes that the property owners will also need to meet with the Board of Adjustment before going further.
O'Connell and Conlon were both on top of this. They rightly questioned why the rush for such a meeting and why were we circumventing P&Z or the Board of Adjustment.
It was explained that the property was being sold and that the mortgage carrier only would finance if the properties were combined. We were also told that the closing for the property was this week. Herman pretty much summed up my thoughts when he said "A lack of planning on your end does not make an emergency on mine." Or, as Jeff O'Connell stated "you can close your loan at any time, why can't they adjust this to next week."
Also debated was that a pool (the swimming variety) company was moving into that location. Jeff O'Connell questioned if it would be wise to have such a chemical-intensive company near residential properties and a day care, as well as Cold Water Creek.
Schneider could see that this favor for a friend wasn't just going to skate through the city council and offered to table the measure. The Foolish Four (Owensby, Keller, Jones and Dill) were too busy scheming at the end of the table to listen to the debate, let alone acknowledge Schneider's white flag. They come out of their huddle and Jones motions for a "second reading by title only". Owensby seconds the motion. At that point, even Schneider was looking at them with irritation.
After Schneider explained that he wanted to table the item and rightly pointed out that the new owners didn't even bother to show up and plea their case, the measure was tabled unamiously.
What I learned:
- The Foolish Four were willing to ram this legislation down our throat regardless of how unwise or hurried it might have been.
- Schneider is willing to bend over backward to repay his political favors--regardless of how bad it may be in the long run.
- O'Connell and Conlon seemed to get their groove back and hopefully can be a force to be reckoned with when partnered with their Ward 1 compatriots.
The Schneider BullSh** Machine
This "edging" must be occuring behind the scenes. I've been to every council meeting. I've been to almost every workshop--and have watched those I haven't attended online. Each time a CA search has been mentioned, Empty has brushed it off with "we plan to workshop that in the near future". Each time a CA search has been mentioned, it has been met with groans from the COGG-like supporters of Empty.
Has he had a change of heart? That would be welcome. However, me thinks he is full of crap. And what is that saying...you can't bullshit a bullshitter!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Town Hall Meeting: RATastrophic
Monday, October 15, 2007
About Those Rats....
During that meeting they talked for over 30 minutes on the Rat Issue (start time 1:03 -- end time 1:34), including drafts of a letter to residents about this issue and remedies that the citizens could initiate. This lengthy debate was thorough and covered everything from how the letter would be mailed (first class vs. bulk) to the format and discussion items for the Town Hall Meeting, as well as various other issues.
Obviously this was an important enough issue for “Empty” to promise a Town Hall Meeting.
It was important enough for 30 minutes of debate! Yet, the letter has not darkened anyone’s mailbox!!!!
The meeting is tonight!!! How many affected residents will attend?
I am sure you may get some folks who come to all meetings because of their interest in civic happenings. I am sure you will get those who cheer on “Empty” Schneider’s every move. As much as they have the right to be there, the meeting isn’t for them. The purpose is to address a problem of the residents WITH THOSE RESIDENTS!
Almost an entire month to send out a letter notifying the residents of this meeting--nothing was done!!
Just another example of the complete incompetence at City Hall.
Just another reason why we need a fully-qualified City Administrator.
A "High Profile Project" for COGG
However, the following was in an e-mail sent to COGG members regarding their upcoming meeting.
Would like to let you know , based upun the membership decision at the September COGG meeting, the October meeting is scheduled for Sunday October 21st at Yesterday's at Noon with meeting beginning promptly at 12:30 p.m.Also would like to let you know that we were contacted by the City regarding the possibility of the group working on a particular high priority project that would be of great benefit to the city. The plan is to discuss this at the upcoming meeting-so we hope you can attend.
Any guesses on what the "high profile project" could be?
For Those Interested in Being Part of the Giroux Gang
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Stars aligned or Seeing Stars
Edgar Casey said...
Sounds like the OBA has come up with 5 points...
The article referenced states that the "stars are lining up" for Overland. Actually this article brings to light the lack of action by our city to take advantage of the Hwy 40 shutdown. Instead of the stars being aligned it is more like seeing stars as we realize we have been punched by a lack of leadership in our city.
What else has been missed this millenium by our city "mis-leaders"?
- Centenne development (hey, we are just as centrally located as Clayton and no eminent domain needed)
- Move of National Records Center operations
- Any type of development at Page and Dielman
What can you add to the list?
Sunday, October 7, 2007
We must PUSH for a City Administrator
This is important if Overland has any hope to move forward. We desperately need the expertise required in areas of grant writing, municipal law and union negotiations. (Expertise--what a novel idea!)
Aside from expertise, we need the continuity. A CA would allow the city to transcend politics. Currently, every two years we can change dynamics of the city council and every four, the mayor’s office. Having a CA will allow these transitions to be as seamless as possible administratively.
It might be easier to pass tax initiatives if we had a CA. I think people would be more trusting of City Hall that is not beholden to campaign contribution favors than they would be trusting of the politicians.
It is our responsibility to hold the council’s feet to the fire on the hiring of a CA. I propose that we contact our city council members and demand this be added to a workshop agenda this month!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Suzy's Little Helpers
I even added a box to the right side of the blog listing these fine folks:
Nellie Bly
Overland Muckraker
ORT Contrarian
We will always take more writers, so if you are interested please let me know.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
A different type of Laptop Debate
Why in the world do we need to spend our taxpayer money on laptops for all of the council members?
This was claimed to be needed to increase communication.
- Hasn't state politics recently been riddled with stories about Sunshine Law violations due to lack of oversight and control of e-mail and its retention?
- Didn't we recently have issues with city-paid cellphones for council members?
- Would the city be paying for internet service, too?
- What about providing for our officers on the street before the city council (as Sailor points out)?
I shake my head in disappointment. The city has so many larger priorities than whether Mikey-Mike can e-mail Owenbsy at a moment's notice.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Workshop Meeting Tonight
There will be a COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING on October 1st, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Possible topics for discussion:
Job Description-Computer Technician
Lights for Brooks Park
Park Grant for Norman Myers & Brooks Park
Parking Problem at 2200 Woodson Rd
Appointment for Board of Adjustment
Trash-for those not able to pay
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Giroux Gang--Overland's Comprehensive Plan
During the "Mayor's Report", MT Schneider claims to have met with the County Economic Development Council. At that time, he is told that Overland created a comprehensive plan back in 2001.
He is told that we do not need to go through the process of another plan (after all NOTHING much has happend since then), only a fine tuning.
MT Schneider then announces that his crony and political supporter (and President of COGG), Mark Giroux will be in charge of such fine tuning. Giroux has also been given the go-ahead to form his own committee.
When asked about input from the city council or mayor, MT replied that he was going to have a hands-off approach and let "Mark do his thing".
I find this a shame, considering that with the Overland Redevelopement board each council member was allowed to choose an appointment. Why can't this be the policy for any new board or committee in the future?
MT Schneider had a chance to show his own sense of compromise and ability to reach out to the entire community. Instead he chose the path of patronage.
During Residents's Comments, Bonny Giovani summed it up best: "Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't make it the right thing to do."
Lacking Backbone
I think last night's meeting will stand as a defining moment for the entire city council, but especially for those folks who voted against their conscience and better judgment. These are the people who put their political futures above the city's future. These are the people we will hold accountable for all the lack of progress and continued cronyism that will happen. And, indeed it has begun to happen in that very same meeting (see above story on Giroux Gang).
Even if these folks vote "progressively" in the future, the fact that the helped in changing the balance of the city council to ensure that progress would NOT happen makes them culpable.
To those city council members who are worried about re-election should take heed that these are the very actions that the constiuency remembers. For any COGG votes you may have gained, you lost two to three of the rest of us.
You should be ashamed of yourselves!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Council Agendas and Web Links
- Wasn't posting meeting notices and agendas online part of the Sunshine Law suit brought against the Purzner regime?
- Does MT Schneider think that the recall of Purzner automatically vacated that decision?
I have another issue with the website. I noticed for the first time today that there is a link to the American Legion's website. Why? Didn't we go through this before with Ann's link to her personal website? What are the policies to be included on the web page? A few questions:
- Why not link to other community organizations?
- What about the Overland Lions?
- Churches (not just All Souls)?
- The Rotary?
- The Optomists?
- The Pessimists?
- What about linking to this blog?
- Overland Chat?
- Sailor's blog/site?
- My Contrarian blog?
- Knode's site?
- Other council member sites?
Obviously all of these links on the front page would make the page too busy and not serve the public. A separate page for "community web links" would be of better service. However, when we start to cherry pick just the organizations that MT Schneider belongs or favors, we still have the inherent unfairness that was brought up when Queen Ann posted links to her website.
It all just begs the question: Did MT Schneider not learn ANYTHING during the short-lived Purzner administration?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Caught on Tape: Frank Munsch for CA?
Indeed, when the topic of the CA position was brought up, Owensby leaned over to Tim Jones and said the following:
"We don't need no City Administrator. We need Frank Munsch who knows the value of a dollar. I will make the motion to bring him in."
ORT Contrarian edited: Listen here for audio.
Open Letter to the City Council regarding Ward 4 seat
A year ago, our city was in a quagmire of controversy with a mayor who wanted to appoint her friends and associates to not only the city council, but important positions such as Chief of Police and City Attorney. At that time, the citizenry stood up and said NO to such cronyism.
Our city has had not only a year of controversy, but decades of stagnancy that have lead to the disappearance of businesses, jobs, and city-paid services. When people have examined why that was allowed to happen many come back with answers of apathy, antagonism and cronyism that have infested our city government.
It is these three things that all candidates in the last election said they would eradicate in an effort to put the city back on the path to healing. However, we cannot heal if we continue to allow these things to fester within our city. My main concern with the process of filling the Ward 4 vacancy is cronyism.
At the last city council meeting, the mayor stated he was nominating his choice because this person “stood shoulder-to-shoulder with him through two campaigns.” The American Heritage Dictionary defines patronage as “the distribution of jobs and favors on a political basis, as to those who have supported one's party or political campaign.” How are we, the citizens of Ward 4, to see this as anything other than just another example of cronyism that will continue to hurt our city.
I am disappointed that this could not have started out as an open process. Since before he filed to run for mayor, Mr. Schneider has stated that Mr. Dills would be his choice—where is the openness in that? And, unfortunately, you can’t unring that bell. An appointment of Les Dills will leave some with questions of cronyism and a continuance of the patronage positions to fill city openings.
It is unfortunate that Overland couldn’t research on how other cities have handled this issue. In Saturday’s paper there was an article on a similar situation in St. Peters (where the special election of a mayor opened a city council seat). In the article, the Post-Dispatch informs us that each candidate was able to “earn an interview by gathering 150 petition signatures” from voters in their ward. What a novel idea to assure that the person has the backing of some of the constituency before proceeding!
However, we have what we have and we have the process that the city council has brought forth. And that process is important because the vetting process is important.
Normally, one obtains a council seat by running for election. During that process the voters have the opportunity to ask the candidates about current issues, pet projects or long-time problems. We are unable to do that during this process. You, our remaining elected officials, must do this on our behalf.
Because you are doing the vetting process, I would like to state what is important to me—a resident of ward four—in a council member. There are the obvious requirements. Age, residency and tax issues that are part of state statute to run for election to the city council should also be applied when appointing the same position. The other obvious factors are attendance and participation at council meetings and workshops, as well as responsiveness to all of the ward 4 residents. (Which doesn’t mean he or she satisfies all our wishes, but at least listens.)
However, there are attributes that I, as a resident of Ward 4 need to see in the appointment to this position.
First and foremost, independence. While the open seat will be nominated by the mayor, I do not want this person beholden to the mayor or any other person or entity. I want to know that when this person votes it is truly their vote.
Second, I want someone with fresh ideas as well as creative ways to implement existing policies. Let us not be guided by “that’s the way we’ve always done it” type of thinking.
Third, I want someone who is truly for progress. The person who is willing to examine new ideas, someone willing to look at what other cities have done with success and incorporate that into Overland. We need someone who is looking forward and who only looks back to examine past mistakes.
Part of that progressive mentality is my fourth wishlist attribute. And that is someone who supports the city in obtaining professional management. Of course, by this I mean that the Ward 4 seat should be filled by someone who has the desire to fill the City Administrator position with a quality and qualified individual and does not desire to weaken the position.
From personal experience, I know it is a lot easier to campaign for someone else than to go out there and stick our own necks out on the line. It is nice to get to skip the door knocking, the forums and debates. It is nice to not have to answer the questions that the electorate would pose to any and every candidate and have someone hand them a position on the council. Again, that is why the council's input into the opening is so important. I thank the council for doing this on behalf of the entirety of ward four.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
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Monday, September 17, 2007
How Others Do It
In the article, they state that each person interested in filling the position had to go out and get XXX amount of signatures to be considered.
How enlightened!
Not only appointed, but has to have some backing to even be considered.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ward 4 Open Seat

Why this is important?
Because the vetting process is important.
Normally, one obtains a council seat by running for election. During that process the voters have the opportunity to ask the candidates about current issues, pet projects or long-time problems. We are unable to do that via the current appointment system.
And that is why this meeting is so important. Our remaining elected officials must do this on our behalf. Because the council is doing this vetting process on our behalf, it is important to attend and state your own expectations of the Ward 4 open seat.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monday Workshop Meeting
- Consider Appointment of Les Dill.
- Names for Directors of Redevelopment Corporation.
- Flyer on Rat Issue.
- Bids for Repair of Roof on Mansion.
- Fall Clean Up.
- Trash-for people not able to pay.
- Rolling Marquis.
- Lights at Brooks Park.
- Park Grant for Norman Myers and Brooks Park.
Note: this is a complete cut and paste. I think someone needs to determine once in for all that it is DILLS before his name plate is printed incorrectly. :)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
May Hits it on the Head!
I couldn't help myself, but poking a bit of fun at the Mayor. So, I posted a story on the Picayune about Salesman Schneider trying to Cold Call Costco.
Okay, on to the serious stuff.
During appointments the mayor appointed Jeff O'Connell (Ward 2) to the remainder for the term in Planning and Zoning. He did NOT mention that some members on P&Z terms have expired.
He also tried to appoint Les Dills to the open seat in Ward 4. This generated debate on the process (or lack thereof) in coming up with this appointment. It was decided to table this and discuss at a workshop meeting. This was much to the chagrin of Tim Jones, who pleaded with the council that he needed help in serving Ward four (I thought maybe he would start to cry).
The best part of that debate was Jerry May (Ward 1). He correctly stated that during the Purzner administration the council voted down her appointments because of the lack of transparency in the process of her picks. And, among those voting it down were himself and the Mayor. Wouldn't it be a bit hypocritical if they were to ignore that same circumstance on this occasion?
Wow! I could not have said it better! May really came to the point that everyone was supposedly fighting for last year--Open Government.
Okay, the rest of the meeting. A few new businesses were approved and bids for things such as concrete and asphalt were opened (snooze). The only bills passed dealt with buying salt from the City of Chesterfield and having it hauled to Overland.
Overall uneventful. Lots of stuff deferred to the workshop meeting this Monday (9/17). That might last 5 hours with all they have planned.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Pension Meetings
There will be a JOINT PENSION BOARD MEETING (Police and Non-Uniform) held on September 11th, at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Merrill Lynch will be present and also a representative from Segal Actuarial Co. will give a presentation..
2:30 on a Tuesday?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Will MT Schneider be the most UnEthical Mayor in the History of Overland?
Friday, September 7, 2007
Meeting Reminder: Monday, 9/10
The agenda can be found online here. My thoughts on the agenda:
What is the subject of the MSD presentation?
Boring bid openings. Blah!
Buying more salt from Chesterfield.
The surprise is nothing is listed as "appointments". Is Les Dill officially out of the picture? Or, is MT Schneider giving him a bit more time to take care of his "baggage".
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Comparing Apples and Oranges (or Missouri and Illinois Tax Rates)
Doing some research I found the following rates:
Highland, IL 8.0354 (Source: Madison County Il Treas/)
Troy, MO 5.870 (source: Lincoln County Assessor)
Overland, MO 8.6615 (source: St Louis County Dept of Revenue)
I included Troy Mo because it was really unfair to compare an inner suburb and all of its services with Illinois cities, which can be more like Lincoln County, Missouri governments).
Now, the "devil" part. Missouri state law states that residential property is only taxed at 19% of its real value. Or, for a $100,000 house it is only taxed at an assessed value of $19,0000.
In Illinois, state law states this amount is 33.33%. Or, a $100,000 house is taxed at an assessed value of $33,333.33.
Thus, when you extrapolate out to the "similar tax rate" the Highland Illinois tax is $1000.00 more for that same $100,000.00 house.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Trends in Lies
Enough with blaming MBC for Overland's personal property tax rates! The council vote went down 5-2, so she was just one of five in that arena. In reality, we the voters of Overland have voted what the maximum levy rate will be. (Something about "when you point a finger, three more are pointing back at you" seems fitting here.) The council cannot work outside those parameters that the voters have put in place.
If you are going to blame MBC for the personal property tax rates then you must also credit her for lowering of the levy for real property. You really can't have it both ways.It's almost reminiscent of ORTian logic. Then again, some of these folks have bitten from the poison apple of Schneider promises. Speaking of which, why are they not blaming Schneider for this? After all, it was one of the first things passed during his administration?
What's in a Name?
Am I the only one who sees the irony in someone who uses the handle "uareidiots" that then goes to spout off the biggest batch of BS in recent OVCC history? Excerpts from his comments: uareidiots said... |
1) Many others have already pointed out that Overland tax rates has little-to-nothing to do with the either the Ritenour or University City School Districts.
2) You quote Goodbyecc who we have also proven he/she is full of crap with their $380 increase claim. (The difference for mine is $2.32, so pardon me if I don't buy that $380 figure.)
3) You are not only not a good public speaker but a BS writer. Don't come here with lies, half-truths and mis-statements. You may think we are idiots, but that is just your reflection in the mirror.