Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Giroux Gang--Overland's Comprehensive Plan

For those of you who think cronyism has died with the Schneider election, well you should have been at the meeting last night.

During the "Mayor's Report", MT Schneider claims to have met with the County Economic Development Council. At that time, he is told that Overland created a comprehensive plan back in 2001.

He is told that we do not need to go through the process of another plan (after all NOTHING much has happend since then), only a fine tuning.

MT Schneider then announces that his crony and political supporter (and President of COGG), Mark Giroux will be in charge of such fine tuning. Giroux has also been given the go-ahead to form his own committee.

When asked about input from the city council or mayor, MT replied that he was going to have a hands-off approach and let "Mark do his thing".

I find this a shame, considering that with the Overland Redevelopement board each council member was allowed to choose an appointment. Why can't this be the policy for any new board or committee in the future?

MT Schneider had a chance to show his own sense of compromise and ability to reach out to the entire community. Instead he chose the path of patronage.

During Residents's Comments, Bonny Giovani summed it up best: "Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't make it the right thing to do."


PTT said...

Wasn't Giroux involved with giving Patronage Mike an illegal campaign contribution?

What the hell would Giroux know about Economic Development? Nothing, it is about the patronage.

Unless Mike Schneider stops his "i got a secret" form of government, he will as successful as his predecessor.

What a Dick indeed.

John Moyle said...

Actually, Mark Giroux is pretty knowledgeable about economic development. In fact, he is considered one of the most knowledgeable members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Also, if memory serves, he was involved in the development of the 2001 city master plan.

Patronage is certainly a valid concern when considering the political winds of Overland, but Mark Giroux is hardly a 'know nothing' when it comes to city planning and the like.

One of my major concerns with this plan is that the committee consider ways to address some of the issues the last plan created for businesses trying to come into Overland. I can understand wanting a certain amount of parking, setback from the street, etc when considering new construction. However, why should a new business have to apply for 6+ variances just to open in an existing structure that was built prior to the zoning changes? What is gained by this other than a bad reputation in the business community and a few dollars from Variance application fees?

It seems to me that one of the biggest issues holding us back when in comes to economic / business development is the red tape gauntlet the previous master plan helped create. Hopefully, those on this new committee will be able to find ways to address the issues created by their predecessors.

suzyjax said...

Giroux may be the Economic Development God, but the way this committee is being formed reeks of a "lack of openness".

You are right in that we need to change our (Overland's) mindset in order to attract business. That's why I found Mike's comments at the prior meeting about "sending a letter" to be worhty of a laugh.

Why bother trying to recruit businesses until you fix the problems associated with getting businesses in the door? The problems are something he acknowledged during his campaign, so he shouldn't deny that.

I just think it is an exercise in futility to "send letters" or even revamp the plan until we have a new mindset at city hall.

ORT Contrarian said...

COGG claims to be a city government watchdog group. If Mark Giroux is president of COGG, and a member of P&Z, and now the head of the Giroux Gang do we see a pattern of "same ol', same ol'" or at least a conflict of interest?

You are right in the need of a mindset change. But if P&Z is the group needing this change and a P&Z guy is in charge of reviewing the plan---do you really think there will be such a change of heart?

PTT said...

Thanks for correcting me on Giroux experience in Economic Development.

I hope he continues to build on the obvious successes he has brought to Overland.

I took a trip around town and golly what a great job he has done implementing the Master Plan he apparently helped design six years ago.

I especially like the work he has done on maintaining quality board-up materials along Woodson Road.

I heard Giroux was instrumental in requiring abandoned boarded-up commercial properties use real plywood as opposed to inferior board-up materials like particle board.

I'll bet you a buck that all of Giroux's appointments to his commission will be members of COGG and Schneider campaign contributors.

The Names Have Changed said...

This is the same guy who wouldn't do anything about the COGG treasurer being co treasurer of the MTS compaign.

The head of COGG who couldn't even make all the meetings in the planning stage of the organization.

I'm sure the intersts of Lake Sherwood and Midland Vally will be represented, what about all the areas in between.

If he was involved in the 2001 masterplan, why did he become vocal and raise hell nothing was being done to impliment the changes?

All this tells me that its business as usual in Overland, most of the names won't even change.

Giroux is just another elitist as far as I'm concerned.

John Moyle said...

Suzy, excellent point, we definitely need to get our house in order, specifically working on streamlining Public Works and making it more user friendly. Until we do that, I can't see how we can counter the negative reputation Overland has among the business community throughout the greater St. Louis area.

I also have issues with the way it looks like this committee will be formed. Unfortunately, politics often gets in the way of policy. I'm holding out hope that this will not be the case, but I'm not putting any money on that.

Gravy Your absolutely correct, there are a ton of problems in town. Some were addressed by the master plan but that plan has never been seriously implemented, some have never been addressed and a few were caused by the master plan. I am holding out hope that this committee will be made up of people who seriously want to address these concerns, but again, I'll not be betting any pocket change on that.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say the Mark Giroux is the be all and end all of municipal planning. I was only saying that it is not a foreign concept to him. There could very well be others in Overland with the education and experience to really make great strides with the revamping of the Master plan. If so I hope they speak up and I hope they are allowed to be involved.

However, the political reality is that even if the perfect group of experts drafted the perfect plan for us, if the politicians don't take it seriously and implement it, all it becomes is another voluminous dust collector at City Hall.

I'm also concerned that this committee maybe limited to only a select few who live in the right neighborhoods and supported the right people politically. I hope that this committee will be named with the importance of a project that will set the tone and direction of Overland for years to come in mind, rather than what is politically expedient.

WaC Good point. Where was the outcry when it came to the failure of the city to implement the 2001 plan, especially from those who helped create it? When I got a copy of the plan to review myself I remember being told by several at a P&Z meeting that if I actually read the whole thing, I would be one of only maybe 10 people who had done so. No wonder nearly nothing was ever done with it.

ghostbuster said...

Allow me:

Say it ain’t so:
What does the American Legion have to do with anything being discussed? Are you being bitchy? Sarcastic, or a problem with a fine hard working veteran’s group? These group of people have given more to their community than you could possibly ever in your next three lifetimes.
Maybe you don't like our fish? See me this Friday I will give you a free one....

ORT Contrarian said...
“It seems to me that the hiring is in direct relation to COGG members (or their kids) who need jobs“.

As I understand it the same old long accepted practiced nepotism and favoritism hiring practices are alive and intact. You are absolutely correct.

What a Crok said…
“I'm sure the interests of Lake Sherwood and Midland Valley will be represented, what about all the areas in between.

These areas, where I do not reside, vote , and also organize, and look out for their interests, if only we throughout the area could all pay attention, and do the same…that wouldn’t be problem would it?

Gravy Crane Durham
… you are positively more cynical than even I, but you are top and foremost paying attention, and cognizant of our trials and tribulations,(as my paperback calls it), as I assimilate it, that is good thing…Keep hitting them hard, when you see them screwing up, or join me in a far off quest to disolve this place..

I like redheads..and the knowledge flowing forth from under that flaming red hair (in your picture) is a turn on... oh yeah……. you keep the info flowing for us that are trying to pay attention..it is seriously appreciated by many of us.

O sailor,
You are my local hero.... You have confirmed I can trust your well researched data and judgment.
As a former Navy man, I would certainly be proud to have you join us! Why don’t you join the American Legion, no big deal you are an intelligent person and we really need you. I am most serious, your factual presentations about our local government has confirmed your desire to aid our community, and that’s what we do, and a damn good job of it! Call me 314 629 4969 my cell I would be glad to sponsor and answer any questions if you have any?

joanne said...

okay, yes the good ole boys are fully back. I hope you all are happy. I will lose all respect for anyone who approves the new appt. for Giroux. This woman hater belongs no place at all in Overland. First, he hated Purzner, Then Keller, how come Conlon's name was behind Schnieders on his latest letter? NO NO NO!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WITH THIS LOSER!!!

PTT said...

Cynic, realist, crank, all in the eye of beholder Ghostbuster, fair enough.

Does anyone know if Mark "Board Em-Up" Giroux is related to Al Giroux?

For my money, the Giroux nomination signals the end to any hope of having a professional civil service in Overland.

City Managers need not apply.

To higher a real City Manager requires an interview process where merit would be rewarded over COGG expediency.

Hopefully broader economic trends occurring throughout St. Louis County will eventually develop Overland despite the government.

suzyjax said...

Al Giroux?!
Now the "Moonlighting" theme will be going through my head the rest of the day.

The Names Have Changed said...

I could be wrong but I think that MG doesn't need the council's approval to head up this group. There is nothing in the Ordinances that defines this committee or how its members are appointed.

This is the same as him appointing his "Ward Warriers".

The Council forfeited their right to give input and guidance to the development of the City. All they can do know is vote yes or no on MG ideas.

We can hope that MG will need some capital, that way the Council can vote.

After MS guts the City Administrator Ordinance I'm sure some campaign contributor or "life long" mentor of his will more than fit the bill.

This is turning into was sorry A$$ place.

John Moyle said...

I'm out at the Mills scouting out the location of the races tonight so I can't dig up my copy and take a look. However, I remember writing about the COGG letter that came out before the election. If memory serves, They asked that voters vote for either Councilperson Schneider or Councilperson Conlon twice in that letter and they alternated which name was first.

I wasn't particularly fond of the tone of that letter when it referenced Councilperson Keller, however the letter definitely seemed to make an effort to be even handed with the other two candidates.

That letter aside I am still a bit disappointed when it comes to COGG. Perhaps it can still come around, but I not sure that's possible when I hear known / active COGG members loudly complaining about Councilperson Cuminale's regular references to the need for transparency. Transparency is the key to Good Government in my opinion but apparently some only feel it is necessary for the politicians they oppose.

suzyjax said...

What you have said about the council having no say was verified by some council members when I asked yesterday.

It seems to be that someone should make a suggestion that each council member can appoint someone to this committee.

As far as gutting the CA position. Didn't MT Schneider and Dill both promise Jerry May that they had no intention of "watering down" the requirements or duties in order to get his vote? This was stated by May at the meeting and wasn't denied by MTS or Dill (so one must assume May received these assurances).

The Names Have Changed said...

As far as the statements may to May I'm not sure. After watching the meeting on OS site I was so disgusted I didn't bother to watch it on Charter. The audio on Os capture made most of the speaking very hard to understand.

MT made a lot of promises, big box store, wanting to restore free trash, looking into a skateboard park, we'll see on those. What about the 40K he had at his disposal from last years budget for the buildings. He sure managed to get that done. But in that case it was only his oath of office that bound him.

I have no doubt he would have promised anything to get Dills seated. That will give him the 4 votes he needs for a tie.

As long as Owensby holds tight there's not the 6 votes needed to override a veto.

A promise made is only as good as one's own integrity. Which is something that has been AWOL from here for awhile.

John Moyle said...

Sorry about the audio on that file. We've been struggling with the sound at Council meeting for some time now. When they moved a speaker in an effort to help the situation it actually sounded much worse, both in person as well as on the video.

I imagine they will continue to explore ways of making it work better, at least until November which is when I suspect they'll be looking at moving meetings back to the Council Chambers.