Thursday, November 29, 2007

CU (see you) at the CA Workshop?

Hello and Happy Wednesday everyone!

In case you were not aware, there is a council workshop meeting this Tuesday (12/4) at 6:30 in the council chambers at City Hall. The sole topic is the City Administrator position and ordinance.

I was at the meeting Monday and Julie Stone from E-W stated it was a typical ordinance.

Which leads me to ask what needs to be changed? I remember Owensby stating he wanted to weaken the position so that Ol' Empty could have more power.

But, exactly what changes would they want to make?


Say It Ain't So said...

Attention ALL Overland Residents.

At the local watering/whispering hole I heard from a very reliable source that certain members of the council, especially certain recently elected and appointed members from ard 4 want to change the city administrator ordinance. Why craytell? So that the good old boys who were former/and current dept heads and officials
don't have to report to the City Administrator. Can you figure it out they don't want a boss. They don't want someone calling the shots.

You may wonder who came up with this brilliant idea? None other than several of the good old boys themselves!

Will Mike Schneider have the gumption to finally put an end to the old boys setting themselves up? Or will we continue down the same path as we have for the last 40 years of corruption and demise.

I hold out hope that based on my conversation I suspect Mike might just surprise all of us on this one. I heard rumbling that he knows that the same old song and dance and dancers aren't really that great at performing.

If you are an inquiring mind I heard the next council workshop which is on Tuesday is just for the city administrator.

Now I work on Tuesday nights but I'd sure love to see
just which councilmen are going to attempt to weaken the ordinance.

Before you care to guess - I'll bet it will be the weakest part of council which means every councilmen who just happen to represent Wards 3 and 4.

Come on Mike show us you figured it out. Boonedoggle didn't get his name for nothing

PTT said...

I'll call Buck Collier.

ORT Contrarian said...

What is the point of a CA if the department heads are not going to report to that position?

How could the CA be held responsible for what happens in city government if they do not have authority over these people?

No qualified candidate worth their water would take a CA position with such ordinance wording.

whatamess said...

ort contrarian said: "No qualified candidate worth their water would take a CA position with such ordinance wording."

Exactly. Which is why we face the distinct possibility of not getting a "qualified" CA, but instead get someone who is to the CA's position what Chuck Boone is to the Director of Public Works position.

Tom said...

What A Mess is Dead On.

However, Say It Ain't So, I don't think they can change the ordinance language if the Wards 1 and 2 Representatives don't go along with it. Thank God for Wards 1&2.

I believe it takes 5 Councilmembers votes to change the ordinance not 4 and the mayor breaks the tie. (See last years fiasco)

So if you need 5 votes for an ordinance if Wards 1 and 2 stick to their guns it remains as it is. Which is what we need.

The lady from E&W said the ordinance was a "Model Ordinance"
With Conlon being on the council again and with May there I'm sure they will be on top of this issue like a fine tooth comb especially Conlon because she was the one to initially to get this rolling in the right way by bringing in E&W Gateway and insisting on a City Administrator.

The Mayor will be well served by a City Administrator, he knows it and the only reason the department heads are against is for their own personal greed.