Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Good Ol' Boys and Chuckie Baby

Just when one thinks that there is an end to the "Good Ol' Boy" system at city hall, one attends the council meeting last night and discovers otherwise.

At the end of the meeting (new business?), Les Dills asks that the council give Chuck Boone a raise for doing duties as PW Director. Tim "I never met a good ol' boy I don't like" Jones couldn't second the motion fast enough.

Now, mind you, there was no mention of how much of an increase. There was no mention if this was a temporary salary adjustment until the city actually hires a qualified and competent Public Works Director.

Conlon correctly mentioned that the city should wait until a CA is in place, along with a comprehensive Human Resources policy, before adjusting any salaries.

This was voted to bring up at a future workshop meeting.


Overland Muckraker said...

I was sitting fairly close to Chuck during the meeting last night. You could see him salivate over the prospect of some more money, but not too happy when the council voted to address it at a later time.
He thought he was getting back at the city by cutting his comments short after that. Ha! We were all thankful.

ORT Contrarian said...

If Boone is the "acting" Public Works Director, I can tell you he will never win an Oscar as the "acting" is terrible.

He has no follow-through. I watched last night when a council member asked him to provide some info. He said he would get it to that person. He did NOT write it down.

Any bets on whether that council member will actually receive the information without at least 2 meetings of follow-up?

PTT said...

A true Renaissance Man that Chuck Boone. I thought he was acting City Manager based on the range of issue areas under his watch.

Why didn't Dills and Jones recommend Boone get acting City Manager money?

ORT Contrarian said...

Oh gosh. Don't put ideas in their head.

Say It Ain't So said...

Gravy maybe they are. I heard he wants to be paid about 25% more and that he's retiring in a year and a half. I wonder if he can get his degree through the U of Phoenix that fast

ORT Contrarian said...


Isn't pension payout based on last salary? Or is it some average from the past years?

If so, it looks as if this is just another pension goody being handed out.

Overland Muckraker said...

Univ of Phoenix, bah. Chuckie should run down to Marky Mark's Quick Print and Diploma Mill and take care of this ASAP.

PTT said...

The Old Boys are first and foremost interested in finding legal means to funnel additional resources from the public towards their retirements.

The thing about Old Boys is that they are actually old boys. There time horizons are all less than five years. The goal for all of these gentlemen is to maximize their personal well-being in their pending retirement. If they administer City services along the way, well bully for us! But the success of the City will be measured by its ability to fund a new retirement bass boat over effectiveness of municipal government.

There are some folks planning to be in this community well into the next century; unfortunately we have administrators with a much shorter time-horizon.