Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Overland, For What Are You Thankful?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. A day we set aside to stuff ourselves with food and pass out on the couch watching football. We also take time to ponder on those things for which we are grateful.

As an Overlander, for what are you thankful?

I'll start:

I am thankful that next year Owensby's term is up and there is that possibility that he will be voted out. I think this is likely this year because Owensby has embraced those things he previously ran against. Ward 3 people will remember.


PTT said...

Buck Collier.

All COGGed Up said...

Oh yes Kenny is public enemy number one and contrary to what Munchamacallit and MT promised him he's the target. I mean really Kenny why would you believe anything that comes out of these guys mouths - their politicians Ken just like you. Do you honestly believe anything they say.


onelayer said...

Thankful the only turkey I will be looking at is on my plate today.

Hope everyone has a wonderful & safe holiday.