Friday, September 21, 2007

Caught on Tape: Frank Munsch for CA?

Well, the rumor floated around last week. So, I taped the City Council meeting last night to hear for myself.

Indeed, when the topic of the CA position was brought up, Owensby leaned over to Tim Jones and said the following:

"We don't need no City Administrator. We need Frank Munsch who knows the value of a dollar. I will make the motion to bring him in."


ORT Contrarian edited: Listen here for audio.


suzyjax said...

That should said, leaned over and said to Tim Jones right in Keller's microphone.

Anyway, all three seemed to agree.


PTT said...

He knows the value of a dollar? What a hoot! But obviously true. With all the illegal aliens working for him, I wonder if he also knows the value of a pesos.

The very fact that Tim Jones can have a meeting-of-the-minds with Coach Owensby brings his credibility and "mental capital" into question.

Right prior to their open mic endorsement of Frank Munsch as City Administrator, this knucklehead Jones starts in on funding trash service for those who supposedly can't afford it. The idea of establishing a means-tested subsidy to pay for some residents' trash services is more evidence of just how naive Tim Jones and Mike Schneider in regard to policy design and program implementation.

See Overland Refuse Trust.

PTT said...

You know what else Frank Munch values?

A great piece of tale.

Private sector or public, Frank is from the old school where female employees are considered part of the benefits package. Thats right, Frank Munch knows how to use all the office furniture when conducting job interviews. His experience in adulterous relationship makes him perfectly suited for the COGG/Schneider/ORT/Jones governing philosophy.

Great idea Kenny, but don't think you gonna get any of Frank's left-overs, he always cleans his plate.

Tea Leaves said...

I'm glad someone heard what and expanded on what I heard. I'm hoping Keller was just unlucky enough to be sitting between those two morons.

This is all the more reason why it is imperative to keep Dills from getting the open seat in Ward 4.

Three of the five candidates gave good solid answers and had excellent statements to give the council. Dills is a joke joke compared to the others. Nothing against the elderly but we already had a bad experience with a politician who was in their 70's when she came into office.

whatamess said...

I doubt that Frank Munsch would want the job. He's in his 70's and I would assume enjoying retirement.

I also don't see Schneider as the type to want to give up much of his newly acquired power. I don't think he'd bring in a strong personality like Munsch and I have doubts that the Schneider administration will move forward with hiring a CA in the first place.

Is the CA in the budget for 1997-98? The only budget I could find on the city web site is 2006-07.

PTT said...

I wouldn't make that prediction until I knew whether Frank had time to inspect "the talent" at City Hall and whether he had targeted any for sexual healing I mean harassment.

Frank is in his 70s and wouldn't want to serve because he is enjoying his retirement. I believe that is true, but it begs the question. So what is it about Lester Dills' circumstance that keeps him from enjoying it retirement.

onelayer said...

There's always Viagra

onelayer said...

I heard Viagra last for 4 hours, if Munsch, put in an 8 hour day that's at least 4 hours of work will get done.

whatamess said...

Gravy, I'm not familiar with Lester Dills' situation. I based my opinion of Frank on the fact that he could have ran for re-election as Mayor if he wanted to stay involved back in 1998. He has since moved to Chesterfield and hasn't been extremely visible on the Overland political scene since. Perhaps my opinion is incorrect and he's itching to resume a hands-on role at City Hall.

PTT said...

I have no reason to doubt you
whatamess and your knowledge of Munsch's plans for his future.

I want everyone who reads this board to know that Frank is Overland's answer to Clinton and he put this City through years of turmoil because he couldn't keep his hands off the City Clerk, among others.

ORT Contrarian said...

Why Munsch didn't run again: Like Les Dills being appointed to the open seat, it's always easier to be handed a position than to run for election and actually earn one.

I would bet the ol' homestead that Munsch is campaigning for the job. I can't imagine that Owenby just pulled that name out of his butt.

An Army of ONE said...

Really hope you're right but Muncher was seen going door to door urging voters to vote for Schneider.

Munsch was the one who brought in all the past troublemakers. You a dollar can't buy today what it could in 1998. Power is a mighty aphrodisiac.

ORT Contrarian said...

Look here for Why Frank Munsch Did Not Run Again

Tom said...

It is known and said that Munsch gave Schneider alot of money under the table (even bragged at a restaurant about it) and he walked door to door asking people to take down their Conlon signs. One things for sure Munsch doesn't do anything like walk door to door or give lots of money if there isn't something in it for him. Long been the belief that Munsch wasn't on the up and up and very very close to the Vice President Of Midland Valley Association Rudy Kuhlman and his wife the city treasurer who sits on both the police pension and regular pension boards.

Tea Leaves said...

I just learned of a plan being mulled over by the powers that be.

Seems like MS thinks Overland should be more upscale and wants to ban the storing of trailers and RVs in the City of Overland.

No more keeping your john boat in the backyard, even if its out of sight, if you got a RV start looking for a storage area. No more little 2 wheel trailers will be tolerated.

Perhaps Rebecca of an earlier post can supply us with a list of reasonable sites.

Why can't this administreation realize we are a middle class Community of working or retired people. This is not Ellisville, Frontenac or Town and Country.

Just keep on with your silly enforcement of stupid Code issues, propose your asaine codes. Won't be long and you'll see a change alright and it won't be for the better.

You can't make Overland into an Eden Prairie right here in Missouri.

whatamess said...

An investigation is one thing, but were any charges ever filed against Munsch or any member of his administration?

PTT said...

Look CS, everyone in the entire City knows Frank and the City Clerk were involved in a highly inappropriate adulterous affair while your boy Frank was Mayor. Original Munch Bunchers may require a formal investigation to chip through the layers of denial that have collected over the years. But while your waiting I am going to rely on common sense. And common sense tells me that Frank's involvement with COGG/ORT/Scheider does not add to the upside for the City. Frank was a poor Mayor and miserable State House candidate. How many primaries did he lose while trying to step his stones to higher office?

The fact that something has happened greatly increases the probability that it may happen again. Frank happened to suck at age 50. I suspect he would therefore suck at age 7(?).

watchandsee said...

You all are beyond ignorant. Munsch wants nothing to do with the city of Overland, although he did back Schneider, and next time will be backing Keller, if she really wants it then. He is retired and wants to stay that way. Don't you think if Keller really wanted Mayor this time she would have had McCulloch, her old boss backing her? Why does Conlon want Mayor so badly? She thinks it will be a stepping stone to the county council. Do you think that will EVER happen now after her and Cuminalle have been mean and rude to Keller. Yes, Munsch was investigated by the FBI and nothing ever became of it. Does anyone in here know Keller's worth? Her financial assets? Anything at all about her? Do you REALLY think she is that close to Ann, Kenny, or anyone on the council? I know she likes the Knodes and Sellers as new friends. I can tell you one thing for sure MBC will never be Mayor of Overland. Even COGG, the Purzner hate group, put Conlon's name behind Schneider's on that last mailing. Wake up people, smell the coffee.

suzyjax said...

Watchandsee, if Frank Munsch has no desire to be involved:
1) Why was he out campaigning for MTS?
2) Did Owensby just pull his name out of his ass as a recomendation for CA?

Believe you me, I wish the Munsch days were behind us. It is Owenby's comments that make me think otherwise.

PTT said...

"Don't you think if Keller really wanted Mayor this time she would have had McCulloch, her old boss backing her?"

That could be the funniest item I have encountered on the OVCC. Keller would be lucky if Bob McCulloch could pick her out of a line-up.

If you are so in tune with the shrewed political calculus of Peggy "Hill"" Keller, why did she run for Mayor while not really wanting to be Mayor.

The election is over. So what are you talking about. MBC ran a good campaign but couldn't overcome the firepower that illegal campaign contributions afforded Schneider's campaign. She couldn't overcome people dealing in bad faith by running for an office that they don't actually want to win.

ORT Contrarian said...

You are right. An investigation does not equal charges. What I meant was that because of the issues surrounding the investigation, Munsch could see the writing on the wall and, as such, chose not to run again.

whatamess said...

Regardless of whatever favors Munsch did in helping Schneider get elected, would Schneider really bring him in as CA given the baggage he brings?

PTT said...

Baggage? Afraid of baggage?

The ORT/COGG coalition looks like the lost luggage room at American Airlines. Schneider swims in baggage. He himself has no problems flaunting the campaign finance laws, why would he shun other habitual cheaters?

Patrons of a feather flock together.