Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Peepin' Tom Fitzgerald Committee

Coming Soon to a Window Near You

Ever wondered what was the "high profile project" that MTSuit was asking of COGG? Or, you may have read this Journal story and wondered "gosh, when did they get that database done?" Well, of course, the Journal story is a bit of a fabrication. This assignment was just made during Sunday's COGG Meeting and is hardly started, let alone completed. What? Did you read COGG?
Yes, the mayor in all of his lack of wisdom, has assigned this project to a political action committee. One that files reports with the Ethics Commission. One that promoted his candidacy when running for the mayor's job.
Besides this inherent and blaring conflict of interest, there are so many other things wrong with "assigning" a task such as this to a political group. Where to begin...
  1. Do we really want the Peepin' Tom (Fitzgerald) Committee to be travelling our fair city on the lookout for "vacant" property? What is their methodology when it comes to residential property? No car in the driveway--let's look in the windows and see if anyone is living there.
  2. Do either Tom or Carol Fitzgerald have any experience in real estate, databases, surveying, or marketing? Or any of the other 100 skills you might need to do this job effectively?
  3. Wouldn't the better committee be made up of real estate professionals and other interested parties? Don't they already have access to databases (e.g. MLS) of available properties? Wouldn't it be win-win for the city to get their real estate expertise and we help them in marketing any Overland properties?
  4. Just because a property is vacant, does not mean that it is available for lease or purchase.
You really have to question the mental processes of a mayor who thought this was the best route for this project. All behind closed doors. All not open to public scrutiny. But, hey, I think Tom and Carol are accepting donations for gas money if you are interested.


suzyjax said...

If this is project includes residential we may be in for a big heep of trouble.
Could the city be sued for any activities of "the committee" while they determine if a house is vacant?

If residential vacant properties are included, who has access to that information? Are we possibly causing a situation where we have potential vandalism, drug dealing, or just the activities of bored teens?

Would the city be liable if, while "the committee" is cruising Overland, they have some sort of accident and hurt themselves or others? (And that would be if it was commercial and/or residential listings)

suzyjax said...

I am all for the list of available commercial properties. It is an idea that both Jim Schmidt and the OBA have touted for quite a while. This would also be a welcome marketing tool for our new CA.

However, there are better methods of obtaining this information for commercial properties. And, as you can tell from the above, I am a bit leery of the residential part of this equation.

Say It Ain't So said...

Unbelievable. I mean in the journal it says the OBA is working on it and
now its the COGG. Was the council even aware of this?

John Moyle said...

I agree that this seems like an odd choice to get this done. Also, for clarification, the project is to create a data base of vacant commercial property. I agree with Suzy, this is database has the potential to be a great tool for the city. Though, like all tools, whether the net effect is positive, negative or zilch is determined by how it is used.

suzyjax said...

Sailor. I was under the impression that it was only Commercial property too.
I have heard otherwise.
Of course, since MT Schneider has chosen not to publicly divulge the information, the project, or the process--we really can't verify what is true.

Tom said...

The Manchurian Mayor is seeming alot more like Bob Dody each and every day.

ORT Public Relations said...

Update on the Peeping Tom and Carol Fitgerald Committee

Contrary to popular belief, Carol Fitzgerald is a skilled master and genius at frontline marketing.

Carol, who may or may not have been a cheerleader over 65 years ago, was solely responsible for the rush of ticket sales for the MT Schneider Go-Cart gala held at the Mills.

Carol, known for her deceptive marketing, sold the residents a bill of goods regarding the skills of the Mayor at racing go-carts (from an eye witness account):

"But soon cars were scrambling, bumping and
Mayor Schneider was in the wall"

This is typical of the Mayor and his supporters who like to bend the truth.

Tom said...

Jim Schmidt and Mary Beth Conlon have advocated a database for properties for over four years. In her April 2004,2006 and 2007 Conlon discussed in detail creating a city sponsored data base of available properties. The difference here is that Conlon wanted it done right, compiled by people who are professionals and not by the gang that couldn't shoot straight.

This begs the question while Schneider's copied Conlon's platform almost verbatim this guy can't deliver her platform.

Instead the city reads his half truths and blantant lies of spin in the Suburban Journal. How can a Mayor tell a boldface lie to a reporter and not be held accountable? There has never been a single meeting on hiring a City Administator since he took office, nor while he was on the council. Therefore how is it that for the last two consecutive weeks on the front page of the Suburban Journal articles have appeared claiming that the city is moving forward on hiring a city administrator nothing could be further from the truth.
Buck Collier and his editors should be held accountable for drinking the proverbial Koolaid and not verifying this story with others. The Suburban Journal lacks credibility when it simply takes MT's word as gospel.

whatamess said...

T or C: Perhaps the reason no meetings have been held regarding the hiring of a CA is that the person has already been picked. While to those who expect an open selection process, it may appear that no progress is being made when in reality, Schneider may have already made his selection. Just speculating on a possible scenario and one that's totally believable with this administration.

ORT Public Relations said...

Additional update. We debated putting this out there for public consumption but we stand behind our source Stephen Colbert.

Colbert, candidate for President, informed us that he has evidence that the COGG supporters of the MT Mayor, tampered with the race at the Mills. Colbert has reported that the MT Mayors supporters, most of whom have exceeded the actuarial life expectancy age for social security benefits, were seen prior to the race spreading roofing nails on the racing track and putting sugar in the competitor’s gasoline tanks.

These vocal sore losers, on the verge of dementia, dissatisfied with the embarrassment of the MT Mayor hitting the wall as well as the MT outcome of the race, turned their heads toward the only thing they know VIGILANTISM.

In the middle of night, the old COGGER's lead by the head peepers (who were clearly violating their own driver’s license restrictions) lurked over to the winning Mayors house and tee-peed his house with their soiled Depends diapers.

As the Mayor of Hazelwood put it after discovering the vandalism to his house. "What kind of sick people are these Vigilanties?
Incident’s like this, so much more than the rat issue, give Overland a really bad name.”

Say It Ain't So said...

It has been rumored that MT has a person hand picked that will soon be graduating from college.

ORT Contrarian said...

Oh great--no experience. I guess the city will be rewriting the job description to meet this guy's (lack of) qualifications.

John Moyle said...

SpyDog Let's get real hear shall we? Yes, you and I can have pool products for our pools (if we have them). However, we cannot have 1000's of gallons of them in outdoor storage tanks.

If you and I spill some chlorine we kills some grass. If this company had a spill, Cold Water Creek, local wild life, kids on their way to school and neighbors in the area would be at risk. At best they would displaced as a 5 block area would likely be evacuated by local HAZMAT teams responding to the spill.

Some of the other chemicals that the owner said would be stored on site, if accidently combined with chlorine would create a chlorine gas cloud. Chlorine gas was used as a very effective chemical agent in World War I.

Now SPYDOG Please explain to me why a company with these sort of hazards should not be restricted to areas zoned for them? We have several industrial park areas in Overland where this sort of company would be acceptable. No one is saying they shouldn't come to Overland, they are just saying they should not be in a residential area. It's dangerous, foolhardy and irresponsible of the city to allow this.

The property is across the street from legion park, just down the road from Marion school, and shares property lines with people's homes. It is absolutely ridiculous that the Acting Public Works director

PTT said...

The COGG/ORT patronage machine will no doubt be at work. Schneider's ego is so profound that I can't imagine him ever hiring an experienced and professional City Manager. His ego is too fragile. Schneider won't even engage in a conversation concerning the responsibilities a possible City Manager position would contain.

Therefore, I certainly believe Schneider will try to hire a person with no experience, education or background in Public Administration. Schneider would hire Phil Paul or Bob Dody as City Manager if allowed.

Ghost of Norman Meyers said...

Lucky just got back up from the long summer's nap and I woke up to the city council meeting last night.

It appears the new Mayor is running the city just as Bob Dody and Frank Munsch did; and that is a recipe for disaster.

Pushing employee benefits changes at the behest of the employees.
Weakening hiring practices and job descriptions to fill positions with chosen candidates. Fast tracking ordinances without review for the sole benefit of long standing personal relationships of employees. Casting tie breaking votes that will circumvent the normal P&Z and Board of Adjustment process. Appointing a Board of Adjustment with no women, no minorities.

In a very Dodyesque fashion denying his culpability as Mayor, by denying he made specific comments in a meeting where proof positive is he did.

Perhaps his most egregious act to date, intentionally and with malious of forethought misleading the public. The first sign of a politician hanging himself.

Lucky you know better than anyone, when a politician purposely embellishes his accomplishments he will be hung out to dry.

The Mayor of Overland must be held to the highest standard. Lucky, I certainly hope he will learn from his mistakes.

Mike Schneider must stop stretching the truth. Mike Schneider must stop telling repeated tall tales about the his accomplishments regarding the city administrator position and the commerical database.

Mike Schneider should know that when he purposely misinforms the public in the press he will eventually be called on the carpet.

And finally, Mike Schneider should realize that the general public are becoming more aware and disgusted with his Judas Kiss to Ken Owensbey.

Say It Ain't So said...

Anyone notice the coverage given by Buck Colliers of the Suburan Journal? I'm kind of curious why back to back editions of the Suburban Journal articles deal with the same things. The Suburban Journal needs to broaden their horizons. Writing 4 stories from the same initial one is a disservice. I think it begs the question of the Suburan Journals are your reporters really researching what they are writing? OBA meetings are not official city meetings so why comment on official city dealing in OBA articles?

PTT said...

I don't necessarily think Buck Collier is biased, I think he is just lazy.

I didn't hear whether the change to police pension was approved. Was MTSuit able to buy-off Heron's Double Dippers Retirement Program that used to be called a police department?

Anyone notice the moment we started planning for Ken Blowensme's aldermanic retirement party next spring, OverlandChat suddenly rises from its ashes with yet another round of Blowensme accolades from Carol and the Dog? Why oh why must we get another Kenny Story from Carol Fine Blue Eyed Wino?

We all know of the time she called Kenny to remove a tree from her yard and the street department came to take it away. Egads that is a tedious story. But she is Kenny's Champion.

Spydog, well he is simply a whore.

All COGGed Up said...

Gravy, the word on the street is that Kenny gets a monthly stipend from the Munsch Bunch and as long as he stays in check he will not be an issue otherwise they will unleash the wrath of COGG in his ward after him.

On the flip side both Ken and Schneider are double crossers.
Kenny will soon find out exactly what is in store for him in about 3 months and the COGG defintely is after him at the behest of Rudy and Boys

It choked me when Kenny Kiss Ass had to race to nominate Rudy Kuhlman. Kenny you have been bought and paid for but as insider you have defintely been sold.

Ha Ha


All COGGed Up said...

Almost after every council meeting Monday night Spydog jumps up becomes Mike's and Crew's Lapdog running up and kibbiting non stop with the Mayor and Chuckie Boone, Chief. The people left in the audience who know exactly who Spydog is and what he is about start to comment about the Mayors new found friendship with Spydog and Kenny. Well guess what it ain't sitting well Mike it ain't sitting well. I have also heard comments that when Mike was asked about this relationship with SPYDOG he smirked and said basically it was only about using Spydog to get the votes.

Tom said...

The Police Pension changed requested by the Chief which would have eliminated the retirement age was not passed they changed it to have defined retirement ages.

I heard that the Chief was seen pouting the rest of the meeting. A Chief of Police Pouting? I also heard that he mumbled something about sueing the city.

I say go ahead and sue and see how quickly the citizens turn on him.

Imagine the Chief of the Police putting his friend the Mayor in the position where the city becomes embroiled in lawsuit based on pure greed. It's not what his friend the Mayor needs at all. I suspect the Chief will have to realize he won't be getting two pensions after all.

Look for his next angle changes to be asked of the vesting periods so he can double dip.

John Moyle said...

Well now, Councilperson Owensby and many others love to point to St. Ann and their City Paid Trash service. They never bother to point out that residents pay for recycling and that St. Ann's public works department picks up the yard waste, they just like to say how much cheaper it is than Overland's service and how we must be getting ripped off.

The same people also love to say the money that paid for Overland's trash service somehow disappeared hinting at graft and the like. All explanations of declining revenue and escalating operating expenses go ignored.

Well now their favorite example is in trouble as well. Unless residents of St. Ann approve a 2% utility tax increase on themselves and a 5% increase on businesses in November it looks like St. Ann's City Paid Trash Service could cease to exist in January 2008

Say It Ain't So said...

I think the article eludes that there will be additional cuts on top of the cuts that have happened already which includes the loss of their trash service several years ago. With that being said St. Ann's is so desperate they are investing in converting parts of their city hall into a prison to house prisoners for additional revenue. When you can't generate revenue you get very desperate. St. Ann's is desperate.

ORT Contrarian said...

Sailor--I checked with a neighbor who is a member of COGG. They told me that it the Peepin' Tom Committee would also include residential. They told me that the mayor hisself got up to talk about this project. It is hearsay, but from a person who was present.

John Moyle said...

It is entirely possible that something was added. However, the creation of this database was a request by the Overland Business Association. The OBA only requested a database of vacant commercial property to be used to help market Overland to new businesses.

Why the city would want to add residential property to this list is beyond me, though a list of vacant residences that are not listed as for sale might be useful.