Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Suburban Journal as Empty's PR Firm

Every week, I am amazed by the Suburban Journal and their blind efforts of just printing whatever MT Schneider tells them as fact.
This week's case in point--buried within the News Briefs section--is a story about the pool company pulling out of the Midland property. It's about mid-way down the page under the Overland heading.

While the story details about the child care in the near vicinity, there is no mention of Cold Water Creek that abuts the property or the many residents within a square block of this property. Both of these were major objections during the meeting. Also, no mention about the outside storage tanks of cholorine--oustide storage that is prohibited by city ordinance.

MT hopes we can find another developer. Hopefully, this time he will not just use a "development for development's sake" take, but use some common sense about appropriate businesses to locate in that plot of land.


suzyjax said...

Even more amazing is that he still hasn't told the two Ward 1 council members about this. He can tell the journal but not the citizen's representatives.

I think that speaks volumes on MT and his lack of communication skills. If he would have been more open about this company from the get-go, concerns could have been addressed outside of middle-of-the-night "special" council meetings.

PTT said...

"The mayor said late last week he had heard the pool company has decided not to locate on the site in the 9600 block of Midland Avenue."

He had heard? Spydog said the company told Schneider directly immediately after the meeting.

I would honestly like to support MTSuit if he would give me the chance to do so. But I just can't do it until he starts behaving like a professional and dealing in "good faith". Frankly, I don't think he has it in him.

Why hasn't his letter writing campaign brought a more appropriate business to the site?