Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cronyism is Alive and Well!

From the American Heritage Dictionary:

cro·ny·ism (krō'nē-ĭz'əm)

n. Favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications, as in political appointments to office.

To see this noun in action, one only needed to attend the Overland City Council meeting on Monday, October 22. One item on the agenda was adding the job classification and description for "Computer Technician". This opening was discussed at the workshop meeting on October 1 (video here on Overland Sailor's site).

During last night's council meeting, O'Connell reminded the council that they had agreed during that workshop to make the minimum qualifications for this new position to be an Associates degree AND 2-years experience. The ordinance last night made that schooling OR experience (or some sort of combination).

When asked why the qualifications for the new position were being watered down, the staff MIS guy stated that they were written to qualify an existing city employee he had in mind. THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!

Yes, cronyism is alive and well at Overland City Hall. And when you wonder why things are not progressing with the city, you only need to look at this type of occurence--where we hire the least qualified and dumb-down the employee force--as your reason.


Say It Ain't So said...

So what happened with the job description? Did they hire the guy?

Edgar Casey said...

With cronyism there goes secrecy

whatamess said...

At this point, no botched personnel moves made by this administration surprise me.

Speaking of personnel, anyone know anything about the new building inspector they supposedly hired? A part-timer? This makes no sense. If an inspector has taken the time to get certifications and education for the position, why would he or she work part time? Or is this person not qualified? What in the world is going on in the Public Works Department?

ORT Contrarian said...

Say it ain't,
The ordinance/job description vote was just the first step. They were creating the position so they could hire this man.

However, the vote went down 4-4 with the Foolish Four (Owensby, Keller, Jones and Dills) voting loud and proud for patronage.

PTT said...

Gee this doesn't make sense. Buck Collier said that Schneider told him that he was moving on his campaign promise to hire a City Manager.

So how is it that he spends the Council's time messaging job descriptions for sake of patronage?

Was there any information in regard to Schneider moving on the City Manager promise as Buck reported?

It is almost like there is a big divergence between what MTSuit says and what he does. I do know there is a wide discrepancy between what Buck Collier reports and what Schneider does.

Say It Ain't So said...

Who is going to hold Schneider accountable for his lying in the press? His lying to the residents? During his campaign it was evident that he way lying about his job, credentials, and taxes and who held him accountable? If we as citizens allow this spin to continue to happen then we deserve what happens.

Tom said...

I don't understand about the public not being informed about this situation. What is going on why are they intentionally not informing those affected. How long has Public Works and the Mayor known about this? There are 4 straight shooters on the council, unfortunately they only represent two wards of the city. wards 1 and wards 2. How long has Schneider been a resident of Overland? Evidently, not long enough to be aware that we residents deserve better than this.

Tom said...

Cronyism Definition - See Munsch, Dody, Kuhlman, Ortman, Owensby, Mason, Boone, Paul, Stuckey, Brown and our newest member SCHNEIDER