Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Will You Tolerate a Watered-Down CA?

Next Monday, November 19, the city is to have a workshop meeting. I assume it will be the one that concentrates on the City Administrator position.

One thing they want to do is review the ordinances. I can only assume this is to water-down the qualifications and/or responsibilities.

Do you want an over-paid office manager or do you want someone who will lead the city foward?

Do you want someone that the people and the city council can hold accountable for what is happening at city hall? Or, do you want just another position filled, with no real meat to the job?

Sometime this week, take the time to write your city council member and let them know how you feel about the CA position?

Oh, by the way....they finally established those city e-mail addys for the council members:

Ward 1

Ward 2

Ward 3

Ward 4


ORT Contrarian said...

Speaking of the CA, I heard that the OBA's guest speaker on Thursday is a CA or CM for a large Chicago suburb.

Any bets that we will hear Ol'Empty using this guy's speech/talking points as his "new ideas" during the CA workshop session?

PTT said...

I am all about tolerance and will need a heaping helping of tolerance when Schneider hires a City Manager from the the COGG familial ranks.

The only questions are the degree to which qualifications/competence/experience will not only be unnecessary, but in fact work to the detriment professional applicants.

ORT Contrarian said...

CA, CM, or City Planner doesn't matter. The point was that Ol' Empty will be passing along the guy's ideas as his own.

I do hope someone can record and post the video.

suzyjax said...

I'm all for using ideas that have been proven to work. But wonder how open Ol' Empty's mind is when it comes to this. After all, it has been proven that a CA is the way to progress and he hasn't been racing toward that (heard that it is NOT on the agenda for the workshop Monday but still waiting for verification).

But, I think your point is that when he does think an idea is good, he acts like he "thunk it up" himself.

PTT said...

Of course its not on the agenda because the only person that actually believes Schneider will hire a City Manager is Buck Collier and the Editors at the Suburban Journal.