Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Monday Workshop Meeting

This is posted on the city's website. Quite a big list of items to cover on Monday.

There will be a COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING on September 17th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Possible topics for discussion:
  • Consider Appointment of Les Dill.
  • Names for Directors of Redevelopment Corporation.
  • Flyer on Rat Issue.
  • Bids for Repair of Roof on Mansion.
  • Fall Clean Up.
  • Trash-for people not able to pay.
  • Rolling Marquis.
  • Lights at Brooks Park.
  • Park Grant for Norman Myers and Brooks Park.

Note: this is a complete cut and paste. I think someone needs to determine once in for all that it is DILLS before his name plate is printed incorrectly. :)


John Moyle said...

The list references "possible" topics. They will probably take on the appointment to the Ward 4 vacant seat first since they want to fill that seat at the next meeting and it is hard to say home many (if any) people from Ward 4 might show up to volunteer for the appointment themselves.

It will be interesting to see if they get to all of those topics as most on the Council can rarely commit more than 2-3 hours to these workshop meetings.

suzyjax said...

I am disappointed that the CA positions is not listed. I thought this was originally planned to be one of the subjects (per August 13 and 27 meetings).

PTT said...

What does rolling marquis refer to?

suzyjax said...

The "rolling marquis" is a new sign that will be installed at the interestection of Ashby and Midland/Wild Acres Park. It will have an electronic message board that can be programmed to alert folks of upcoming events and other city information.

I think a better word might be "scrolling" marquis, as the board uses scrolling text. Rolling kinda implies that it is on wheels andwe could hitch it up to the back of our autos and move it to a different location.

suzyjax said...

To be more clear about the marquis (or at least provide additional info). I believe the sign has already been purchased, what will be discussed is the bill/ordinance that will allow for a contract to the sign installer.

I believe the lights at Brooks Park is a similar issue (contact to the installer).

whatamess said...

Lester Dills name isn't the only item incorrectly listed. A "marquis" is a person. The signage they are referring to should be called a "marquee" shouldn't it? I don't know if these errors are the fault of whomever does the city web site or just who gave this person the info to post there, but it really looks bad, IMHO.

Regarding the CA position not being listed; if the Schneider administration has already botched the hiring of a building inspector, how in the world will they be able to find and hire a City Administrator?

Regarding the scrolling marquee; didn't or doesn't the city have an ordinance prohibiting any type of animated sign and wouldn't a scrolling marquee be considered just that?

PTT said...

I hoped for a sign celebrating the Marqui de Sade.

onelayer said...

Just read the article in the post regarding campaign contributions. Is shorter then the one linked to. It does say, in regards to keeping the contributions (which no name wwas mentioned by Mrs. Schneider) "But board chairman John Diehl said Wednesday that the board's staff has made a point of referring such queries to the ethics commission".

Ok, this differs from what Mrs. said.

Somebodies not telling the truth here.

Ok, these are heard through the grapevine. Dills is going to get in, disappointing as that may be.

Also, besides what Suzy heard about the new inspector, I also heard when he was here during the Munsch admistration he got more complaints against him then any other inspector.

I thought they were trying to make public works a more friendly citizen, business atmosphere. Hiring an employee with supposed numerous complaints does not make sense to me.

whatamess said...

Regarding the inspector situation; there are probably only two or three past inspectors the city would consider hiring. The one that Ann Purzner fired easily had the most complaints against him. The one from the Munsch administration (if I'm guessing right who you're referring to) got complaints from owners of rental property and slumlords, so I suspect he was doing his job. The nature of the building inspector position is such that you're going to ruffle some feathers. If I'm thinking of the right guy, we used to joke that he would need a bigger wall in his office because it was full of certifications and certificates. I questioned him a few times on some inspection reports and he definitely knew his stuff. Same for the chief inspector of that era, who I believe is now in a neighboring city.

I'm somewhat familiar with most of the inspectors from the past dozen years or so because I've done some contracting work for some guys who own some rental property in Overland and I've dealt with most of the inspectors first hand as I have in other municipalities.

For the most part, the Overland guys have all been easy to work with if you're not a blatant rulebreaker.

That all being said, I don't know why any who have left would want to return. The city pays inspectors lower than some comparable municipalities or the county from what I've been told.

whatamess said...

After submitting my previous post about the inspectors, I started running some of them through my mind and I think the one Purzner fired was hired during the Munsch administration, so maybe that's who onelayer was referring to.