Thursday, November 8, 2007

PoolPro: Dead or Not

Please read this story in the today's Post. Reading this makes one think that the Pool Pro thing is not dead. If it is not dead:

Was MT Schneider lying to the Journal, who reported with quotes from him that it was dead?

Was the lie about PoolPro NOT coming a diversionary tactic to keep those opposed from organizing any effort to keep them from coming?

I truly hope that the Post is just behind on reporting this issue, but....

1 comment:

PTT said...

Schneider is a liar, the Journal doesn't care about being complicit.


How do you plan to allocate a scarce resource such as government sponsored aid for people who have trouble paying for trash service? We cannot pay for everyone's trash service, so how do you plan to determine who qualifies and who does not qualify for assistance?