Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Day, Same Council

Here are the election results from yesterday.

100% of precincts

Ward 1
JERRY MAY (Non) 225 63.74%
Rich Knode (Non) 128 36.26%

Ward 2

Nancy R. Allison (Non) 206 41.37%

Ward 3

KEN OWENSBY (Non) 221 62.25%
Ted Frigillana (Non) 134 37.75%


PTT said...

Harold! Thank you for the chuckle this morning Carold.

Car allowance for City Maninistrators is common to compensation packages as the City Maninistrator must drive a great deal on City business. By your logic Clarold, police officers should provide their transportation out-of-pocket.

Carold, we all know your smarting over not getting your man Munsch into the City Maninistrator position.

Four hundred dollars a month is very reasonable when considering finance, insurance and maintenance.

Unknown said...

Mr. Gravey Crane Durham,
Previously you reported that Owensby's toupee was going to throw its hat into the political ring.
Planning to run as an independent the toupee stated, "I always have been and always will be my own rug. Although very close to Ken's opinions while astride his head, I make my own decisions solely on the facts. I hope I can count on your support during this campaign."
What happened? where does it stand now? Could you follow up?

Tom said...

Well - Owensbey could have been beaten if a real candidate would have run against him. This clown Jones buddy did nothing.

What a shame.

We will watch now and Kenny boy goes back to his evil ways.

Fools in that COGG bunch old fools

PTT said...

Thanks Lindy,

I should have followed-up. If memory serves, Coach Blowensme's toupee, aka ...Rug B.Wiggins... was throwing (uh...hmmmm.... recursive argument, not computing.....errrr...reality coming unglued..... the "fabric" of space and time bending upon themselves..... it doesn't make sense....errrr crash sorry got carried away where was I...oh)

ok ... when Owensby's turftop...aka Rug B. Wiggins threw himself into the ring, he was nominating himself to fill the empty Ward 3 seat vacated by Ann Purzner. Wiggins could not secure the votes necessary to take his rightful place next to his former oppressor.

Left with few other choices, he returned to service astride Coach Blowensme's oddly shaped head. Rug B. Wiggins has always been an enabler and co-dependent with the Coach.

Wiggins believes that he can do more in his limited role with KO, than risk being shut-out of the process.

Although freedom was on his (ooops here we go again.....errrrrr...... naked singularity...argggg) mind, Rug B. Wiggins is the "Wind Beneath Kenny's Bean".