Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Les Dills’s major conflict of interest

The dilapidated buildings at Woodson and Midland have been an eyesore for too long. After much delays and much debate by the full council, a hearing was finally held on Monday in hopes to condemn and destroy these buildings. Imagine the big surprise when Les Dills came forward at this meeting and told he had a financial stake in this property. Is this some sort of conflict of interest for a councilman to have joined in debate and votes on condemnation proceedings on property that he has an interest?


ORT Contrarian said...

Aint this the same nonsense that got Munsch investigated regarding the Elks loge?

PTT said...

Good God that is funny Muckracker. Honestly I busted out laughing when I read the post. How bout we pass a hat and get Les some help with the Ethics side of his job with some books, or work-shop, something. At least he had the where with all to disclose the conflict at the meeting.

I have to give ole Lester a point for disclosing this obvious plain as day conflict of interest.

Recuse yourself Les, there are other committees and your old boys will take care of you anyway...Come on.

PTT said...

Carold, that would be delusion. I am not sure what a disilusion would be, being disrespectful to your dish water, I don't know. Anyway lets get back to your questions. What do I mean by reasonable. Not excessive or extreme; fair.

Your points on logic are well taken, yet you would hard pressed to find someone who could read our posts and come to the opinion that you are the more logical....Carold.

It is a brave new world Carold. In your old world familial relations of elected officials are rewarded with low wage life-time employment with the City. Why low wage you ask? Because that is what they are worth. It is self-evident. If their work was of more value, they would immediately seek that value by working elsewhere; or seek what are known as high-wage jobs.

That is called the "spoils system" of administration and ran-out-its-welcome with professional managers starting well about one hundred and sixty years ago. Remember when you were dating Old was around that time.

With the creation of a City Maninistrator, Overland has taken its first steps toward modernity by building an administration based on merit. The car is a reasonable component of an overall compensation package.

Or, you get what you pay for dumbass! Most of this will be lost upon you Carold....I mean you find Ken Owensby to be a good public servant. Honestly people....