Saturday, April 5, 2008

Owensby the Pseudo-Teacher

Hmmm...still not buying it, regardless of what he cooked up on computer to show Fine Wine.

I need a little more proof than the word of someone who has been questionable in the past.

So, tell us...

What school district?

What subject?

What grade/class level?


All COGGed Up said...

He's a substitute teacher. The minimum requirements to substitute teach are 64 hours. My relative's child had him before.

Personally I think He's someone I don't think should be around children or young adolescent boys or girls.

He does not participate in the Missouri Teachers Pension, he does not belong to the Missouri NEA, has no insurance provided to him from the districts and he has no teachers certification.

He's a guy that fills in when their is extended absences like illness and such. He is not a fully employed teacher he is just a guy with enough credit hours to substitute teach. He is not employed by any district permanently he floats to where there are absences.

c3missile said...

He stated in the Journal's Voters guide that he was a teacher in the Francis Howell School District.
They have a database for anyone certified to teach in the district, regular or substitute. He was not in it. As suzyjax said, it's a simple question, What school district & grade & when was the last date he taught?

PTT said...

He has peddled this lie for so long I can't imagine anyone still believing it. People who support Kenny do not have aregard for his faux credentials. Nobody is being fooled by Coach Blowensme. They like him because when a tree branch falls in their yard he will be on the scene pretending to be in charge of something. They really think Kenny is on their side. But when considering the manner in which the Schneider/COGG have played him like a fiddle, I don't think Kenny capable of the political calculus to be on anyone's side.

Show me a stub Kenny, show us a pay-check stub documenting your employment as a "teacher". He says he is employed by Francis Howell, I think it more likely he is employed by Francis the Mule.
He is a lier

PTT said...

I, as well as several others in Ward Three, are taking Carol's advice and have sent Kenny emails making the identical request that Carol made and using the identical language from her message.

Funny, but Kenny has not responded in order to set a time in which to stop by our houses, hop on the internet, type in Kenny's Personal (not to be confused with personnel) Secret Francis the Mule Code.

Of course somebody that, to quote Bill Bennet, is a "congenital lier" would open her fine wine pie hole and release another round of delusional bullshit for no other reason than to entertain herself.

I mean how could any slightly coherent human read Carol's bullshit and see it for anything but bullshit.

Like somebody is actually in Overland and at their computer saying, "great point FineWine. You sure have the facts straight".

Overland Muckraker said...

IF he is so qualified to teach, why doesn't he just teach?

And if he wants to be a sub, there are local districts (Ritenour, Clayton, Pattonville) that pay a much higher per day rate than Francis-Howell.

This fool is a teacher like Ann Purzner is an RN!

PTT said...

Does anyone know the thread count of Kenny's pseudo hair.

Nellie Bly said...

I can't attest for any thread or fur count on the rug, but the pseudo-teacher was out and about today. Now, what school district is on Spring Break this week? Answer--None.