Thursday, July 17, 2008

Competing with the MLS

From yesterday's Post, the city desires to attract new businesses and residents by compiling a database of all available property. Was this the "Peeping Tom" Fitzgerald project? We've already discussed the problems with that. Regardless, don't we think realtors have access to the MLS database and can find Overland properties that ARE truly available?

That aside, I am happy to hear that they realize they have been unduly burdensome on new businesses and folks in the past (see the "Eedie Cuminale story"). Now, THAT is progress!


Nellie Bly said...

I'm not sure why the Posts website has the wrong headline. The one from the paper was "City seeks new businesses, residents"

PTT said...

"The greatest good for the greatest number of residents and businesses."

What the hell does that mean?

How do you define greatest good for greatest number.

Given their past I suspect they define the greatest good in terms of patronage for COGG friends and family and greatest number would be the full membership of COGG.

These folks are so offended by merit and professional civil service they cannot simply leave well enough alone and allow those with the proper education, training and accomplishment to perform the tasks for which they have been assigned.

Tom said...

Heard the members of COGG are starting to drum up the removal of councilman at the behest of Dody and Boone and the other old wheels so they can get a majority on the council and fire both the city adm and pw director. THen they can get "Their Men In"

Curious does anyone know what is the average life expectancy for two former Mayors, alderman, public works director, and various members of city boards and former councils who just can't stop meddling. Hey it was those groups that brought the city down. THey want back in.

PTT said...

It is sad to watch people I once had respect for acting without any dignity in the sunset of their careers.

The only thing that should be removed is the poll protruding from COGG's Ass.