Saturday, August 2, 2008

Overland in the News: Dumb and Dumber

Just browsing through my Journal and found two stories of interest to all you Overlanders.

First, Overland proposes a Page program for the municipal court. The story talks about how the three court employees are working 12 hours a day. That means lots of overtime, which seems a bit silly. The proposal to lighten the load is to start a Page program for area high school students. But, these kids won't just supplement their work and lessen overtime, the plan is to fire one of the court clerks in favor of these kids. The article states the court is making over $100,000 more per year in increased fines. Surely--with that kind of cash flow in the courts--we can afford to keep the 3 workers, limit or elmiminate the overtime, and institute a page program. What next, replacing the mayor with Ritenour's Student Council President? File this under DUMB.

In the Dumber category, is the not so bright Courtney Cerulo. This friend of Ann Purzner and pal to Owensby is complaining to Journal hack Buck Collier that the city is charging her for a DVD copy of a recent city council meeting. Having some experience in the world of multimedia, the prices quoted by the city are right in line with the local industry. Part of the high cost are the minimums and that only one copy is being made. Usually dozens, if not hundreds, of copies are made which spread the cost among the larger quantities. Surely, some of her ORT or COGG pals have access to Charter cable and could tape a copy for her. Like Cerulo's attacks on Cuminale that just make the prior Public Works administration look bad, this attempt to make the city appear aggregious only serves to make her look--well, not smart.

So there is the Dumb and Dumber. Surely, readers, you have some nomination for Dumbest in recent Overland news.


PTT said...

A Page program?

I thought the Tolen,Brown,Purzner crowd was gone from the City.

I nominate Kenny Blowensme to head the page program given his background in pretending to be a teacher.

Hey kids, I am dying if I am lying. Several weeks ago I was walking through the St. John's Wallgreens heading for the haircare products. When I turned corner, low and behold, right in front of me, Kenny Blowensme. He was pricing various scalp protection products designed for men without hair. I wish I could of taken a photograph to post.

Absolutely true story. Now you know Kenny doesn't patronize Overland business when buying bald scalp-care products.

This Page idea could be one of the most preposterous ideas I have heard coming from the COGGers.

Wait, what happened to Overland Sailors volunteer housing rehabilitation effort. You know the one that I took so much heat from for saying that nothing would ever come of any volunteer program. I think MTSuit called them Ward Warriors. If the City needs volunteers in the Court Clerks office, I would contact COGG.

ORT Contrarian said...

My nomination for Dumbest:

Picking up my grandmother's mail, she received a mailing from Overland's own County Council representative for 2nd district. In this particular mailing, the candidate and COGGer Carol Hopkins were talking about how one scratched the others back regarding property values/taxes.

Its one thing to use your friends on the county council to have your home valuation lowered to ridiculous values. It's quite another to campaign on such questionable actions as being re-election worthy.

Then again, only COGG would think that platform points on the graft they can pocket would win some votes.

ORT Contrarian said...

I can already hear Owensby nominating Tolen to run the Page program. Owensby will regale the city council on Tolen's experience with teens and the fact that he is (was) a lawyer.

New Girl in Town said...

What's next, Felony Fletchy for chief of police?

I guess Courtney can't get a real job so she elected herself, Occupancy Police. Hey Courtney did Mr. Wigwam get a permit for the roadkill on his melon?

New Girl in Town said...

Same old stragglers trying to keep Overland in the gutter I see. Will these fools ever give up? Courtney……me thinks you have way too much time on your hands. Why do these people (leftover ORT, COGG etc) NOT want Overland to be a progressive little city? Do they enjoy seeing their property values go down or stagnate? There are so many properties up for sale in Overland, a sure sign too many people want to get the hell out of Dodge because of these jack asses that want to keep Overland down and keep it the same ole same ole.

I sure hope the new City Administrator and Public Works Director can shake this town up and help it progress into the future. We will all benefit from positive change and growth.

suzyjax said...

A better question is has Owenby ever gotten an occupancy permit since he moved into his parents house after they passed?
Well, then again, maybe he never moved out of mama's basement.

I do have a nomination for dumbest. I just want to make it its own post.

The Names Have Changed said...

I'm just surprised she didn't demand it BluRay. What a Moron, she doesn't have an occupancy permit her parents do. Get out of the nest Einstein and come out to the real world. Get your own place, make payements get your own permit, get a life.

You've to so many ships all of them ultimately are loser. Let's see Ann Purzner, Charlie Karam Ole Skidmark himself. Now COGG they deserve you as much as you deserve them.

That being said from what I hear the main reason for the Propesed "Page" program is because Clerk Jan Mackey is impossible to work for, Some of her hires last a couple of weeks others meer days before they get feed up with her BS and quit. I guess she figures a HS Student can't walk out because they need the credit.

Hey City Admin Guy take a look at the turn over then take a look at the turnover with the PD. Take a look at who the bosses are see any similar names. Yup that right a husband and wife tag team of dimwits all promoted up through the Governemnt by Dody and his lacky Heron.

Time to sweep out the Coggnistas out on buns.

Thank you End of Rant