Sunday, February 3, 2008

Question I would ask....

What's the upcoming municipal elections without campaigning--that includes door knocking and a debate or two. The good thing about both of those is that it provides the electorate with a chance to ask questions about what is important to them.

One thing that I believe is the most shameful thing since Ol' Empty took office is his effort to push a pool company into the city, along with its dangerous chemicals. This was especially on my mind when watching a recent Channel 4 investigative report on Thursday. The report detailed how dangerous chemicals are all around us, but we are not aware of such. This seemed especially heinous since the EPA mandates that we are to be informed.

For those who didn't see this, the report is on the KMOV website, here. In addition, the "investigative team" has a blog that goes into further detail about some sites. And, of course, there is one smack dab in Overland. That blog entry is here.

Now back to my original point. If I was to run across a candidate that is not currently on the board (since we know how they have voted), my question would be in regards to how they would handle the inquiry of such a business coming into a highly residential area.

If you were going to ask a question, what would it be?


Overland Muckraker said...

I would ask two.
First, their opinion on the quote "Taxes are for the little people".

How they feel about "free trash"? I think that would say a lot about their priorities (or lack thereof) and their allyances.

PTT said...

Do you support replacing the patronage based personnel/hiring policy of Mayor Schneider with a merit based policy?

Would you pledge to not support the hiring of any personnel that have direct or indirect personal or familial relationship with any of Overland's elected officials?

Say It Ain't So said...

I'd ask why did Mike/Jerry Schneider Bob Dody and the COGG (Corrupt Old Guys Gang) put Nancy Allison up to run against Jeff O'Connell? Of course the answer is obvious they wanted to bring back another one of Dody's stooges to rubber stamp MT Schneider's Agenda whatever that agenda is.

All COGGed Up said...

Gravy good God you expect so much for absolutlely nothing in return. A merit/system - patronage free.

No way. I understand that there is a building going up on Page that was owned by Nancy Allison who sold it to the company grating the land. Does anyone know the exact details on the deal she got on the property and Overland waving some of the permits to expedite it?

I suspect Schneidly will try to claim this as his success. Nail shops, Hair Braiding , Payday loans, and Gas Stations. Nice job Mayor Mike your economic policy are so intune to a community in need.

Anonymous said...

Top question on my mind..... when might we see the opening of the boutique conference center resort hotel on the west side of town?

As for Channel 4. That story was nothing but sensationalism. Scare the uninformed and you got yourelf a story. Chemicals are all around us. Chemicals are integral to most manufacturing businesses, industrial operations and even some service businesses. They are heavily regulated and required to have various safety and security protocols that ratchet up with the toxicity of the chemical. Bottom line, how many news reports do you see on releases or spills? Not many. Why? B/c the regs, by and large work.

Don't get me wrong, MT & Co. should guard the public but the existence of chemicals around us is a non-story. Chlorine is one of the worst yet we let teenagers at the pools handle it. Go figure.

PTT said...

Dear Discount Smoke Shop Owner,

Please consider moving to Overland.


Mayor Mike Schneider

PTT said...

Nice call Mauler. Especially considering the property in question is deep within an industrial park and uses chemicals to refrigerate fish-stuff.