Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cozad, Lies, and Videotape

When the city spends money--whether it is for the gas bill or a tax incentive--they are truly giving away our money. The city council is elected to oversee the expenditures.

No one is saying that they should micromanage every penny. However, when we give away money via TIFs and tax abatements, we expect our city leaders to assure that such giveaways are not one sided. We expect them to follow-up to make sure the recipient is living up to their end of the bargain.

Such is the case with the Cozad development at Page and Walton. We have provided a tax abatement. We have heard nothing about progress. Thankfully, certain council members (Conlon, O'Connell, Cuminale, May) have requested information.

Unfortunately, as the following video shows, Ol' Empty has been as forthcoming or vigilant. We are not even sure if he has or has not been in contact with Cozad.


PTT said...

I doubt he could find it on a map. Originally I thought Schneider to be a strategic actor consciously delaying legislative action or personnel reform as in the CA, but now I no longer believe it.

I honestly believe Schneider is simply overwhelmed and does not have the intellectual capital to multi-task.

To FineWino:

As you certainly know I am a male yet you address me as Miss Gravy. I don't really care what you call me, but the fact that you see the female gender as somehow lesser than the male gender to be illustrative if not flat-out disturbing. I don't mind you using miss because I have a deep respect and love for the female's of our species.

You have already explained why you are a racist but I am not sure where your sexism comes from.

Please explain why you inappropriately use the honorific "Miss" when address a man.

Are you trying to disrespect men, disrespect women, or as is probably the case, disrespect both. But how do you come to use the honorific "miss" as a pejorative?

Tom said...

Maybe its difficult for the Mike to keep his stories straight. I mean if you tell that many lies to so many people eventualy you get so caught up in them you can't remember what stories you've told to who.

The mark of a terrible politician to get caught lying again and again.

suzyjax said...

I am amazed that on 1/28 he is all machismo with his "attitude adjustment" comment. Last night, he was all "let's give them a chance".

Well, I guess he would need to be concillatory if he never ever contacted them.

John Moyle said...

I missed several meetings at the end of 2007 so I not sure when a TIF / Tax Abatement was passed for the Cozad Property at 8801 Page.

Earlier in 2007 the City held several meetings about this abatement proposal and, as far as I remember, they never passed a Tax Abatement or TIF for the 8801 Page property (the property next to the Quicktrip)

Around the same time, Summit Development Corp. approached the City about their project at 8610 Page (across the street from the Cozad property). The City did pass a Tax Abatement for that property which included terms contingent on meeting certain levels of LEED certification among other things.

Summit's Development Project was approved unanimously by the Council on May 14th, 2007 (Link)

Could someone please refresh my memory as to when an abatement or Tif was passed for the Cozad Property at 8801 Page?

Edgar Casey said...

From the Suburban Journal:

"The Overland Business Association... is looking to new Mayor Mike Schneider's leadership in helping it obtain a list of priorities for economic development"

Great move, OBA. Entrust your organization to a guy who can't even make an attempt to contact Cozad and then subsequently lies about it.

What leadership!

PTT said...

Thank you FineWino for your usual lie, dodge, lie response to any question. As I do not see being referred to as Miss and something that belittles, I have changed my handle to reflect this fact. I don't see feminine honorifics as pejoratives therefore let it be known from this time and place that Miss Gravy has spoken.

Again, why do you use the feminine honorifics as pejoratives? What are you referring to as "going around" and "coming around"?

Are you saying that you spread your lies around and thus they are now coming back around?

Nobody expects a straight answer from you as much like a child caught in a lie, you are incapable of honesty .

If you can stop lying for a week, I promise to stop exposing your inconsistent disingenuous reactionary statements for what they are......lies.

John Moyle said...

So, did Overland actually pass a Tif or Tax Abatement for the Cozad property on Page, or is this simply confusion between the Cozad and the Summit properties on Page (which would be understandable considering their proximity).

Can anyone help out on this one?

suzyjax said...

I thought they gave them a tax abatement (though we seem to use that interchangeably with TIF).

Wasn't that about the same time they set up the Redevelopment Corp? Weren't you appointed to that board, Sailor?

I have heard they (redevelopment corp) haven't met. Is that true?

I guess I am saying you may have more insight than we do. However, O'Connell did reference that we gave them some sort of tax break.

ORT Contrarian said...

A tax abatement allows the land owner to pay taxes on the so-called unimproved rate and not the higher taxes once improvments or buildings added.

So it is is a "big mound of dirt" we are still getting the same taxes than if they put a hotel, a brothel, or crack house on the property.
It does mean that it is not being developed. Overland needs development, not fake promises.

John Moyle said...

Yes, I was appointed to that board, though there has been nothing done with that board since it's creation. At least, I've never been contacted about any action being taken or meetings held. However, this is a do nothing board that is required by State Statute but has little responsibility and less (if any) authority.

The Only Tax Abatement Overland passed, that I am aware of, was for the Summit Development on Page. To the best of my knowledge, the City never passed a Tax Abatement or Tif for the Cozad property on Page.

I could be wrong however, as I missed everything that was going on from November - January (as well as the most recent meeting).

BTW, there has been visible progress on the Summit property while the Cozad property seems to be nothing more than a marginally growing mound of dirt, concrete and other fill.